7.Funeral, In memory of our loving Hero Red Riot!

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The boy looked utterly petrified." You mean the very first ghoul. The creater and most powerful ghoul to ever come into existence?" I shake my head.

"Yes to both of your questions but in my defense, it actualy wasnt entirely me fault ghouls came to be. My blood was stolen and weaponized in my time of weakness, when I couldnt protect myself. One of my old enemies thought he knew what he was doing, He didnt."

The boy still looked scared." Hay it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you. I only hurt people who do bad things." He seems to calm down a bit." What's in the bags Ms. Nagisa?" Yoshimura asks.

I look over to the bags sitting on a chair." O, it's my dress and shoes I will be wearing to the funeral tommorow." I say sadly. It still kills me inside knowing that the one I loved took his own life because he thought he was holding me back.

I stand up pushing in my chair." Well it was nice meeting you kaneki. I'm sure I will see you around. My shadows see all eventually. I'm off to bed. Goodnight everyone." I leave not waiting for a response.

I watch as nagisa leaves. Funeral, who's funeral was she going to?" Who's funeral is she going to?" I say looking up to Yoshimura. He sighs, looking away. He seemed kinda hesitant to answer.

"Nagisa has been through a lot in her short life time. She may have been asleep for a really long time but truely shes only about 15 or 16. In her short time a few decades ago she fell in love with the hero we now know as Red Riot. A few days ago he took his own life proclaiming he was holding her back in life. He was her lover." I wince, I couldnt imagine the pain she must be feeling right now. It's hard enough being told someone you love has passed on, but to be told they killed themselves because of you. I dont know how she taking it so well.

I make an O sound dropping the subject. It's strange to know that in reality Nagisa is actually younger then me. Shes actually still a teenager. She should be in high school right now learning and having a normal life. Yet shes not. I dont want to overstep myself, but maybe that would be good for her. Help her back into a somewhat normal life.

I sigh placing my head onto the bar table. I was tired.


In the morning I start to get ready. I put on my dress and shoes. Screw makeup, I'm beautiful without it. I do all of my basic hygiene. I call a limo to pick me and midoriya up around 11am. By the time we both pull up I felt a bit overwhelmed. From what I could see there were thousands of people here.

"Hay, lily it's ok. No matter what happens your here to honor kirishima. You were the closest to him out of everyone." I nod still worried.

Taking a deep breath we both step out of the car. Side by side we both make it to the tent. I suppose we looked a little weird. A very only man with short green hair in a nice expensive suit. And beside him a small girl with short white hair in a fancy black wedding dress. We get to the line. The funeral was open to the public, but only the people closest to him like family, and friends were invited to the showing of the body. The list was created by midoriya, since they were still pretty close.

We get to the man with the list he easily finds our names and let's us in. Our seats were in the first row labled reserved. I take mine not daring to look over to the casket. I was afraid if I did I wouldnt be able to contain myself. About 10 minutes later the funeral starts. The pastor begins reading from the bible. I've never been a religious person, but in times likes this things can change a person. I hope kiri goes to heaven. He was such a great person.

Soon it was time for people to go up and start speaking. Midoriya goes up first." Hello my names midoriya, I would like to thank everyone for attending today. It means a lot to us that so many people care." He looks over to the casket a few tears leaving his eyes." Where do I begin?" He laughs." Kirishima, was the sunshine. No matter what was going on in a situation he always looked at the bright side. He was the complete opposite of kacchan-bakugo. He always takes about being manly. I remember in high school it was always so funny. He would act scold bakugo for not being manly and very heroic. It was funny because that's all he wanted to be was a hero. Kirishima was a great hero but he lived a long full happy life. I could stay up her all day talking about him but I know theirs someone's else who was even closer to him who also wants to speak."

He steps down going back to his seat. I take a deep breath standing. I walk over to the podium nervously looking over to the crowd. Before I can stop myself I look over to the casket seeing kirishima. I couldnt contain myself any more. Tears started flooding my eyes." I-I." Midoriya gives me a smile." Wiping my tears I sigh.

"Hello, my names Nagisa shadow. I guess I'll start on the first day I met kirishima. We both were in the same class. The first day of school went by as any other. It wasnt until after school that we litterly numbered into each other. When I was younger my father made me feel horrible. Being a female was practicaly a sin. So I dressed and acted like a guy. Kirishima invited me to the gym where we hung out. It wasnt until a few days later an incident occurred that revealed my identity to everyone. I liked kirishima more then a friend and was embarrassed for him to find out I wasnt who I claimed to be. He didnt care though he actualy seemed relived. From their on we hung out more and more. Kirishima was the first person I knew who accepted me for being me. He didnt expect things from me and liked me for being the person I was. He made me feel loved. I remember when bakugo found out I was dating his best friend. Ooo my God I swear he was closer related to a grenade then human. Everything in our relationship was amazing until my ghoul side started taking over my human side. Of course this was before groups were even a thing so imagine my struggle. I left without giving kirishima any idea of where I had went. I loved him so much but the thought of causing him any harm kept me away. When I finaly did return I was devastated to find out I wasnt making things better, I had made them worse. Kirishima had stayed devoted to me even when I thought it was all over. He didnt care that I was suddenly what I was. He still loved me. He still loved me to the bitter end. I wish I had been able to spend more time with him. As much as it breaks my heart to say I wish he wouldnt have waited for me to wake up
I wish he would have moved on with his life gotten married, had kids, had a family. If anyone was holding anyone back it was me. He deserved better."
The last line, I broke down. The pain I felt was to much.

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