5. Damn

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"This note appears to be a love note of sorts. It says,

        Dear lily, if your reading this then I'm already gone from this world. Please dont blame yourself for this. Non of this is any way, shape or form is your fault. I did this because I knew that I was the one holding you back in life. I love you with all of my heart lily. I always will. When you claimed you would make me young again, I knew I had to stop. Yes sadly I had to live a life waiting in Hope's you would wake up some day. But I dont regret it. Even the small time in my life that I was able to be by your side was the best moments in my life.

Lily dont be sad about my life. I'm only human anyway. Your so much more. You'll outlive any being on this planet. Go out into the world. Enjoy your life. Dont tie yourself down just yet. Have some fun.

It's funny, even as I sit here writing this note for you. It still doesnt feel real. I remember when you first started school. You acted just like a guy. And frankly you had be questioning my sexuality. It really was a surprise to find out you were a girl. But not just any girl. A gorgeous girl who stole my heart. Back then bakugo would always nag me for being in love with you. He always said I was too young or I shouldn't let that get in the way of my hero training. You never did get in the way. And bakugo was wrong. It feels weird to say that. As crazy as it sounds lily, you were the glue that held class 1-A together. Without you, nothing was the same. Even Iida missed you. He didnt nag anyone more then he did you.

Growing up and becoming heros, nobody stopped looking for a way to wake you up. But in the end, you woke up yourself. I love you so much lily. I'm leaving my entire fortune and house to you. Do with is as you will. One day I'll see you again, yours truely, kiri."

Tears fall from my face. It wasnt my fault. Kiri killed himself because he thought he was holding be back. He wasnt, he never did.

"Wow, I'm speechless. This truely is a story of forbidden love. The lady says.

Kiri didnt kill himself because I disappointed him. He did it because he thought he was holding me back. That's so stupid kiri. Why kiri why? I love you. You could never have held me back. Why couldnt you have just talked to me. We could have solved this together. I slouch down onto one of the bar stools. Its then that my stomach makes a loud growl alerting all of the works of my hunger. It's fine, they werent human. I could tell before I saw them that multiple ghouls were here.

"You sound hungry, would you like for me to get you something to eat?" I sigh." Did it come with good conscience?" He nods." Yes the humans we have here have either taken there own life or have died in vain from other humans and their body was donated to us from kind humans." I nod. He leaves the room and returns with a plate of red meat. I waste no time digging in. Soon I'm finished and I wipe the blood from my mouth." Thank you Mr-"


I nod." Has there been a date and time set for the funeral?" He nods." Yes the funeral has been set for tommorow afternoon. It's in the local cemetary. Anybody is welcome to attend but only the people closest to him personally will be able to see the body." I nod, getting up.

"May I borrow some clothing to wear, please" he nods looking to the girl with short purple hair." Touka can she use some of yours." She nods leaving the room. A free minutes layer she comes back with some Jean's, a t-shirt and a hoodie." Where is your bathroom?" He points down the hall. I make my over to it showering and getting dressed. Once I'm done I leave. Walking out I see the cafe must have just opened because now there was human customers inside. I get touka attention asking for some shoes. She nods walking to the back pulling out some converse and socks. I'm quick to put them on. I leave heading to the bank. After all this time, I have no frickin idea where I put my debit card.

I sit down with a worker." Hello my name is Ashley, Clark. What can I help you with today." She asks a bright smile on her face.

"Well I lost my debit card a long time ago and I just came to see if I could get it replaced." She nods." May I have your name please?"

"Nagisa, shadow." She types a few things into the computer." I just have to ask you a few security questions first." I nod.

"Ok, what's your mothers maiden name?"

"Sarah." She smiles nodding.

"What was your first pets name?" I smile at that thought. I've actualy never had a real pet. I had a pet rock when I was five though, his name was rocky.

"Rocky" she nods again.

"Ok final question, what is your quirk?"

I sigh, originally it was shadows, but at this point with all that's gone on with my quirk I'm not so sure.

"Its called shadows." She nods again." Great you've answered all of your questions correctly. It looks like you have-" she stops staring at the computer screen stunned." Wow you have over 2 billion dollars in your account." My eyes widen, what the hell." Did someone transfer money into my account?" She types a few things before nodding." Originally you had 55,000 dollars, then a few days ago 1,999,945,000 was transferred into your account by a Mr. Kirishima-" she again stops stunned." Omg you knew the hero kirishima. Your so lucky my son is such a big fan of his. He always told me he wanted to get his autograph." I sigh sadly.

" He was the love of my life. I dont know how I'll handle the next few days." She frowns but a look or realization crosses her face." Wait are you the girl lily he was talking about?" Wow this lady was smart.

I nod, watching as her face lit up. "So your nagisa, the very first ghoul. The one kirishima fell in love with!" I didnt know if it was a question or a statement so I just nodded." Can I have your Autograph for my son?" She asks so suddenly it made me jump. I nod, she squeals grabbing a piece of blank paper from her printer." What's your son's name?" Its Yuu, kanda" I nod righting my name down and scribbling down a few motivational texts for the child." She takes the paper like it was a newborn baby and carefully sticks it in a folder. O I'm sorry, I'm wasting your time, let me get your new debit card."

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