27: Shopping spree part 2

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Kiri and a few employees helped bring me carts as I got in the self check out. I was going to be here a while. I didnt want to waste the plastic bags so I bought huge clear bins to things in. I was trying to organize everything from size and gender. Each bin was labled, like baby boy or baby girl and so on. By the time I'm done with the clothes my total was at four thousand dollars. I thought it would be more. After ringing up the bath supplies and blankets the new total was now at 14 thousand.

The employees and customers a like stood around as the receipt printed. It took a whole roll to finish. The funniest thing was when I told everyone that I wasent even relatively done. It want until i went to the food side of the store where i realized a problem. Meat needs to stay cold or frozen to stay good. Those hauls weren't made for that. I had to look up a place that rented cooling trucks. I rented a huge one. A little smaller then one of those huge semi truck trailers.

I had told them my location and they would be dropping off the truck in a while. Until then though i started buying things I know I would be able to make with the lack of electricity and running water. For the time being I could buy jugs and bottles of water. I started by putting every bag and boxes of rice in the cart, then bags of potatoes. Those can be made into many delicious things. To bad I wont be able to partake in the feast though. The thought made me long to be human again.

Pushing the thought aside I start putting more things in my carts. I put beans in the cart too, since they dont go bad easily. I clean the shelves of bread. Whicklh in itself took about 20 carts because if you smash the bread its deformed then.

Then I grab water, as much water as they had I bought. I actualy wasnt enough. I would need to go by another Walmart. This water wasnt just for drinking. It would also be used to bathe with which ment I needed alot of water. Maybe there was a near by river to the kingdom too.

Soon I got a to text that the insulated truck was here. I immeditly started grabbing more carts filling it with meat. Basically any meat I could get my hands on I bought, including hotdogs. I had to hurry to get them in the insulated trucks though so it would go bad. As I filled a cart kiri to the full one and rang the items up and put them in the truck.

Soon, after 5 hours in walmart I had half on my shopping done. The ending total turned out to be around thirty thousand dollars. Walmart will be happy.

I now had to by cooking equipment. Big pots for soup, grills, plates, bowls and silverware. O boy I still had a lot to get.

I took me a total of three days to get everything. The only thing left now was to take everything back to my kingdom. On the third day I hired an entire team of construction workers. They would be remodeling peoples homes. I also rented 3 large water trucks for people to use to shower with.

I stand in the hotel parking lot we had been staying." Okay everyone like I said before stay in your trucks. Dont get out for any reason at all. The trucks ventilation systems should protect you." Some men looked worried. But before I hired them I had already told them the risks of this job and how hard it would be. If they completed their assignments each worker would get a hefty sum of money.

Waving my hands in the air a small portal comes into existence. I force the portal to grow larger and larger. At last it was big enough the trucks could fit through. I get in the first truck with kiri. We drive through leading the way. It takes us about 20 minuets of driving to get to the bright glowing portal. I force that portal to grow larger which was very hard. I also focus on it taking us to the feild by the village.1 This portal was very different from mine and I had less experience with it so it was more difficult.

All of the trucks drive through into the large feild by the kingdom. I was happy it worked. Hopping out I smile at the large crowd of villagers who started walking over to us." Queen, what is this!" A young girl says curiously staring at the trucks. I cringe at the name, but sigh. I would have to get over it.

"I bend down patting the young girl on the head. She had dirt all over her." Tell everyone I have brought presents and food." A wide bright smile forms on her face as she runs off into the crowd telling people, what she been told to tell them.

Me, kiri and the construction workers start unloading the food, water and clothes trucks. Once the bins and grills are out. I make 5  fires and place large pots over them. Pots almost as big as what cauldrons in story books would look like. One me and kiri hurry making soup. The second contained white rice. They third contained black beans. And the last two contained potatoes. Each would be cooking for a while. They most likely would be done until dinner time. According to the sun it was probably around 9am.

I start off by setting up the shower area. I set up three showers booths on a hill near by. Just so nobody would be standing in dirty water. That's when I realized something. I forgot to get them shoes. I mentally face palm. How could I forget shoes? I'll have to make another trip to the store.

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