21: Out in the open

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Around noon do I finaly see the outskirts of a large town. In the distance I could also see a very large castle. Flying down to the edge of the woods my shadows dissipate letting or feel fall to the ground." What ever toy do, dont draw attention to yourself." Kiris says making me gawk at him." Kiri, look at me. How do you expect people not to stare. I have black and white hair. I dont know about you but most of the people I meet dont have that hair color." He smiles looking at my hair before smirking.

"Just be normal, dont worry about your hair." I stare at him. Normal ok, I think I can do this. What's normal. Before I can ask kiri takes my hand leading me out of the woods. I could see many small houses with small farms or gardens growing different types of food. The houses resembled what would be called a shack back in the human world. Many looked about to fall down.

The people sadly didnt look much better. Many were dirty With wounds on their body showing the hard work they've been forced to do. Almost all looked sickly thin." Kirishima what's wrong with this village? Why does everyone look ready to drop dead?" He squeezes my hand.

"These people get no help from the royals. They have no doctors, only healers that can only do so much and have almost no medical training. The captlital has abandoned it's people. They steal their food and let its citizens die. Whether it be hard labor or starvation. They dont care." I gasp. How could anybody be so heartless?

The farther we traveled into the town the worse things got. Dead animals and people lay on the streets. Trash and and hungry children were everywhere. The sight itself brought tears to my eyes. After this is all over I need to help these people. I cant just leave them.

It was then that I encountered the first guard. We went even close to the castle yet." Do you got this weeks and last weeks payment." The guard says, getting dangerously close to and old man. He was running a small booth that held a few loads of bread." No sir please. I am poor and havent been getting much business." The guard suddenly grabs the mans shirt pulling him out from inside the booth. I'm there in seconds stopping the mans fist from colliding with the old mans.

"I recommend not doing that unless you want to lose that hand." I say still holding the mans hand. He glares at me releasing the man." And who the hell are you? I can have you thrown in the dungeon or worse, execution for interfering with royal business." He says.

"Yes ,yes beating up an old man is obviously very nobal of you. You work so very hard sir guard." Before the guard can make any movement i make a movement with my hand sending shadows into his eyes. His body collapses instantly. Smiling I pull the guards wallet out from his leather pants tossing it to the old man.

I wink giving the shocked old man a smile. All while this is happening kiri is staring at me stunned and impressed. I hide the guards body behind a random house.

"Miss who are you? What may I call my savior?" I smile at the old man." Dont worry about my name. Just know the rightful ruler of this land had returned. Please stay silent for the time. I wish not to cause a panic or alert the guards or royals of my presence." He stands there stunned before his eyes widen.

"Your the rightful queen to the throne." An excited look crosses his face. I pull him to the side calming him down. "Remember tell no one I'm here." He nods. Turning with kiri we both head farther into town.

After about 1 hour we finaly make it to the center of the village. A guillotine stood in the center. A large group of people surrounded the center. Three people stood with bags on their heads. Suddenly I see three people dressed in very nice clean clothes. They wore robes all in a thick purple color.

Their were 2 men and one woman. The oldest looking man possible in his mid 50s stands." Welcome citizens, today we celebrate that's these traitors be put down for their crimes. Crimes against the royals. The ultimate crime for disobeying their leaders." I watch as the man and the two others walk to a podium where three stone thrones sat. I wince actualy feeling bad for there butts. Those cant feel comfortable. Actually I take that back. Let them suffer. A man wearing all black leather clothes walks out pulling one of the girls to the guillotine. He tips the bag off and I see the girl looked exactly like kiri only slightly younger. She was crying and her hair was a dirty mess of tangles.

"Ok kiri I'm going in. I detract the while you get your family to safety." I say whispering to him." What about you?" He asks worriedly. I smile at him." I'll be fine, I'm much stronger then I used to be. Trust me I'll be back." He nods going off into the crowd.

I push into the crowd making it to the front. Stepping out of the crowd I glwre at the royals." Royal scum of greed. I tell you now. You wont take her life I forbid it." The royals and everyone turns to me.

The man from before stands." How dare you speak to us like us like that! Who do you think you are commoner! Guards prepare her for the guillotine." Before they can even come close to me a swirl of shadows take form around my body.

"Who am I you ask. I am the rightful ruler of this land. I've come to reclaimed my birthright as the queen of this land and free this world from you glutins." I say taking a step forward.

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