13.MIB headquarters

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It's been a week since nagisa went into a coma. The doctors cant figure out why she wont wake up. According to them all of her would had remarkably healed in a short amount of time. In this amount of time, tsunamis and earthquakes have been going off constantly around the world. Every state and continent was in a state of emergency. No one knew what was happening or why it was happening.

Thousands of people by the day were dying and nobody knew what was happening.

I personalized as one of the last few heros alive felt very ashamed. I had used what was left of One for All to evacuate the people from Japan. That in itself took 7 hours. I don't know how nagisa held the barrier so long.

Now nothing remained. I was just a normal quirkless person again.


I wake up my stomach growling. I clutch at it gritting my teeth. I was STARVING. I stumble from bed leaving the room. So many different delicious scents hit my nose that I moan. I could tell my reded from the redish tint in my visions. Damn I need to get away from here and find some food. I see a doctor and smile." Sir do you please have any left over.... food for ghouls. I really dont want to attack anyone." I say holding my stomach toghter, afraid I would lose control. His eyes widen and he nods. "Miss Nagisa please return to your room. I will you what you need." I nod to the doctor doing as I'm told.

Minutes later the doctor shows up with a large package in hand and gives it to me. The aroma of blood hits me in the face before I even unwrap it. The doctor quickly leaves letting me eat.

I scarf it down feeling starved. This felt like the first time I started to have these cravings but didnt know how to satisfy them.

When I'm done I clean up a bit before slipping on my clothes and leaving the room. Where was midoriya? Did I get everyone to safety. Suddenly I'm pushed to the side as doctors and nurses rush past pushing many gurneys of unconscious bodies.

I state I'm shock standing up. I hope their ok. Walking down to the lobby I gasp at how many people were there. This place was absolutely swamped. What happened?" NAGISA, OVER HERE!" Looking around I spot midoriya running towards me. Blood covered him. I stare in horror." Omg midoriya are you ok?" He nods.

"Nagisa I know you just woke up, but we need your help. Somethings happening." He pulls me to an area with a TV. The news was on.

What I saw made shivers runs down my body and my blood run cold. There showed a picture of the United states. More then half of the outer states had been hit with tsunamis and earthquakes. Billions of people had died.

They then show many other continents. Each making me tear up more.

Each continent faced it's own issues, each wordt then the last. Finaly they showed a picture of Japan. There was nothing left.

"Kirishima, hes gone." I break down.

I could only handle so much. This was too big how was I going to fix this. The world was litterly falling apart. I'm just a simple girl. I'm no hero. I need the heros here.

Midoriya hugs me close trying to sooth me.

" Midoriya I have no idea how to fix this. I dont know what to do." He smiles a sad smile.

"Its ok nagisa your not alone. Every state, country's representative's have been flown to the middle of the states. There they are collaborating on what to do. I'm going to take you there now." I nod.

He leads me outside. It was just as worse as the inside. A hollow feeling fills my chest. I had to find a way to fix this no matter what.

It only takes a few short hours to arrive at our destination, Colorado.

The helicopter lands on a large grassy area. Armed guards surround the helicopter. I set my headphones on the seat then jump out. All guns were pointed at me. Midoriya carefully gets out raising his hand. The guards back up but dont lower their weapons.

"Lower your weapons. We're being expected." They dont stand down. With a flick of my wrist all the guns they had been holding had been snatched away with my shadows and now sat on the roof." The guards glare at me while I smile sheepishly." Nagisa, you shouldn't do things like that. From now on you need to act as proper and respectful as you can. Most of the representatives still present ghouls with a passion. Show them that not all ghouls are evil and hell bent on devouring the human race." I stare at him shocked before nodding. Turning back to the guards I lower myself." I'm very sorry for my childish behavior and actions. That was very wrong of me. Please I ask for your forgiveness. This will not happen again." I use my shadows to retrieve their guns and place them in your hands.

The guards looked stunned. Nobody says anything. The silence is broken by a young man entering the clearing. I recognized him as kurowasi, Fugi. Japan's representative. I now showing my respect. "Now, now everyone. Mr. Midoriya and Miss nagisa are being expected here. Please drop your weapons." They immediately do, giving a salute. Whoa when did the American militery start following orders from Japan's representative?

He motions for us to follow him. I follow behind Midoriya as he follows kurowasi into the building. As we walk it's like I stepped straight into MIB headquarters, except without the aliens walking around. Instead guys in militery outfits sat at desks answering phone and doing paperwork. One guy was even passing out sandwiches to everyone around him." Its this way." kurowasi says. We follow him some more until we reach a set of double doors. He silently pushes them open and what I saw inside made me want to run away and hide in a hole. Hundreds of people all were turned towards me. Some were glaring with hatred." Well I'm fucked."

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