15: Sad Memories and the Explosion

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I sigh laying my head against the table. We were at a small diner. Midoriya needed to eat. My head hurt. The past few days have been a lot. After I had declared I wouldnt do what the representative's wanted without my tests being conducted, most became outraged. I had to get midoriya out of there before we were attacked. Very professional, I know.

Sitting up I stare out the window to the road. Theres been major traffic as people head for the inner states, not that there in that much better of a state.

Behind the road were a few houses and a few large building down the street that lead farther into the city. A couple people sat on there front porches watching their kids play. A sinking feeling fills my chest. I wish I could have children, but I know that will never happen. Im infertile, beside even if I wanted to. Kirishimas no longer here.

Midoriya quietly eats his oatmeal and drinks his cup of coffee. It's crazy to think how much he's changed from when he was a teen. Midoriya didnt used to like coffee. I guess it's just something he started liking as he got older. That makes me wonder." Hay midoriya did you ever fall in love?" He chokes up a bit seemingly startled to hear my question.


"Whoa what brought this about?" I laugh a bit." I was just wondering." A soft smile makes it's way to his face." Yes I was in love once. When I was young, roughly 30. I met an American woman when I was in the United states for the first time. While visiting in New York area I encountered a young woman trying to throw herself from a bridge. Her name was Claire, Marie. I talked her out of it. After that we become close friends.

In the few short months I was there I fell in love with Claire. When I was to return to Japan I asked if she would like to come with me, she agreed. The next few years me and Claire dated until I asked her to marry me. She said yes." He stops grabbing a napkin to wipe his face. A hollow feeling filled my chest. After we got married Claire got pregnant with twins. Claire had a very weak body, so throughout the whole pregnancy we were all worried she would have a miscarriage. It was 5 1/2 months into the pregnancy when she became very ill. We went to the hospital and they ran some tests on her. After a few hours of numerous tests. All the results came back. They revealed she had stage 4 breast cancer. It was shocking to hear because nothing seemed out of the ordinary with Claire other then some of the basic pregnancy symptoms. It was then that the doctor told us that when a woman is pregnant it can be hard to tell because the breasts are already beginning to grow larger. Claire only grew worse and they couldnt start chemo until the fetuses had been born. The doctors did the best they could to treat her without exposing the babies to any harmful chemicals. But in the end it was to late. In the end Claire had been to weak to deliver so they took her in for and emergency C-section. The babies were born 2 months early. Upon the children being born. Multiple test had been run. The cancer cells had spread from Claire to the infants. They were only a week old when they passed. They were both boys."

I stare at him horrified. How could I have been so selfish? Here I am complaining about my life when midoriya is silently enduring so much. I cant imagine the heart ache he must have felt and still feels. He lost his family, you cant just recover from that.

"Midoriya I'm so sorry. I had to idea you were harbouring such feelings of sadness. If theres ever a time you wish to have an emotional rant, I'm here to listen." He smiles in thanks continuing to eat his food. I felt like a dic* for asking now.


I go back to staring out the window only to see that traffic had stopped. Wonder why? I jump up startled when I suddenly hear an explosion. Stating out the window I see uphead a huge building is on fire.

Looking to midoriya he slaps a 20 on the table before getting up. We both run out of the café. I get there before midoriya. I gasp at the sight. Hundreds of people were pushing and shoving to get out of the building.

"Someone please help. My mom and sister are trapped." A little girl about 13 cries." Its ok sweet heart I'll help your mom and sister. What floor were they on?" She looks up at the building a extreamily worried look flashes through her face." There on the 16th floor." Looking at the building I realize how many steps I'm going to have to run up. Well shi*! I smile at her before running into the building and looking around. I see the flight of stairs and start running. Most of the flames werent on the stairs until the 8th floor. I dodge a few fallen beams and holes in the stairs. Finally reaching the 16th floor, I pull the door open accidently pulling it off the hinges.

"HELLO, IS ANYONE IN HERE?" I scream looking around. I cover my nose  so I wouldnt breath in the fumes. I swear, I can handle toxic air, but I cant handle smoke. I'm a puss*. I quickly run down the hall checking room after room after room. No sign of anyone. I come to the last room of the floor. The door was already open like most of them. Running in I carefully check every room. I'm about to turn around and leave when I'm suddenly thrown across the room slamming through a wall in the room across the hall. I groan looking through blurry vision at the figure.

I'm stunned to see a woman standing their smirking, completely unscathed from the blazing flames surrounding us.

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