12.The portal to safety

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After lunch I release tracy from her prison. I think I f***** up on this one. When I let her out she ran away screaming. Yah I have a feeling I'm going to be the cause of years of physiological therapy. O well though she deserved it. I wait for Patricia outside school. I had a bad feeling, like something was going to happen I just didnt know what. I shrug it off. I leave with Patricia heading to her house. Suddenly my phone rings. It was midoriya.

"Hay midoriya what's-""nagisa theres no time you need to evacuate everyone to higher ground. A massive tsunami is coming from the south." A tsunami, why haven't the alarms gone off?" Ok leave it to me."

I hang up looking at Patricia." Patricia a massive tsunami is coming from the south. For some reason the alarms arnt going off. I need to alert everyone, wheres the nearest TV and radio station. She gives me the directions and I quickly make a gate and cross through. I walk in seeing their doing a show. I run over." Dont stop that camera, listen people of Japan. A massive tsunami is heading towards the city at this very moment. The emergency systems are down. Head to higher ground. I'll do everything I can to stop the wave. I teleport back to my spot running toward the beach. Staring at the ocean I gasp taking a step back. This tsunami was massive. Could it even be classified as a tsunami? It looked more like a title wave. People from the beach run away screaming. I couldnt help watching as people grab their family and friends, running away. A small child sat crying on a beach towel. Her mother or father no where in sight. She looked about 5 years old. Running over I bend down." Hay it's ok little one. Dont worry you'll be ok. Hold onto my leg." She nods as I stand.

Taking a deep breath I look to the gigantic wave that was fast approaching. I can do this. I'm much stonger then before. Raising my hands, a shadow barrier spreads far and high. This was the largest barrier I've ever made. The instint the water smashed into my shadows I felt the strain. I was pushed back a few yards, but held my ground. The little girl cries, holding my leg. Suddenly midoriya comes running onto the beach. As old as he is, HE CAME RUNNING." O my God, nagisa." I grunt sweat dripping from my forehead. I gulp as more water pushed against my dome." Midoriya, I'm much stronger now but, I wont be able to hold this for long. The waters higher then any skyscraper in the city. You need to take everyone to safer ground." Mustering a bit more strength a small portal appears. "Please hurry midoriya. This portal will take everyone to safe ground in America right now. But I cant hold both for long. Take the girl too." He nods activating his quirk using just the small amount that's left.

Taking a deep breath I push more strengthening the barrier. I wouldnt have a repeat of last time. I wont leave kirishima again.

It only takes minutes before people run onto the beach to the portal. I smile as person after person doves through to safety.

I dont know how long I stood there arms raised until I dropped to my knees. The water sloshed and rose against my shadows making me raise them. My arms and back burned. I felt tired and drained. I've never had to use my shadows for such a long time, for something so strenuous. Dor hours it seemed I watched as humans and ghouls a like gave me pitiful looks before leaving. As I was on the verge of giving up midoriya runs back onto the beach holding the same little girl.

"Ok nagisa come on everyone's clear. I didnt have three strength to rise from my knees. I was stuck. My eyes closed for a second feeling my arms weaken l. My arms fall just as midoriya dives through. The portal closes and the city floods.

Grabbing nagisa I jump through the portal at the last second. I land on soft grass. Looking up I see we were in the middle of central park. Standing I put the little girl down and pick nagisa up. My heart skips at beat at the sight of her. Blood leaked from her mouth and finger tips. She was pale and breathing hard. I frantically look around seeing and ambulance near the outside of the park. Picking up the girl again I frantically push through the crowd." Please help her. Shes not healing.

The man immediatly takes nagisa and begins checking for heartbeat and pulse. After a few minutes nagisa coughs up a big mouth full of blood. "Sir, Midoriya we're taking her to Lincoln hospital.( don't know if this is a real hospital.) She needs immediate medical attention. I nod running around the side hoping in the passenger seat. The little girl still clung to me scared. It only takes 5 short minutes to reach the hospital. Jumping out I follow them in as they wheel her to the back. The paramedics mumble something to the doctors before stepping back and leaving.

"Will she be ok doctor?" He looks at me and sighs. "Honestly, hero Deku. I'm not sure. Ghoul anatomy is basically the same as a humans, but it works differently then any humans. I'm not going to lie and say I know what's wrong with her, but all I can say is that she needs time to heal. Hopefully she just over exerted herself and needs time to rest. When she wakes up we'll know more." I sigh," thank you doctor." He nods and leaves the room. My God today has been a crazy hectic day.

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