10.Ultimate Athlete

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I stand there waiting for someone to say something. They all stared at me like I was a freak. My smile faltered and a sad feeling filled my chest." Well nagisa why dont you go take your seat next to Hiroshi. Hiroshi please raise your hand." A small hand slowly goes up front he back of the room. I look at him and smile. I walk over taking my seat. The boy was very small. Maybe even smaller then midoriya was when he was in highschool. He had short black hair, blue eyes, round glasses and was probably about 5,3.

Looking over I smile at him again. He shrinks back holding his arms over his head scared. Great, just great. If highschool wasnt hard enough the first time, now I have to go through it again, except this time everyone's afraid of me. I sigh, looking to the teacher. He was teaching Japanese kanji symbols i already knew. I learned them when I was like 10. What were a bunch of high schoolers doing learning basic words. This was going to be a long day.

Finaly after hours of boring class it was time for gym. I wonder what the teacher will be having us do. I'll have to take it easy though. I dont want to scare or hurt any of these humans.

I go up to the teacher surprised to see the teacher was female. I've never seen a female gym teacher before, not that I've been to a lot of schools. "Hello ms I'm nagisa, im new." I say smiling. She smiles back." Well nagisa you came on special day. Today we measure everys physical abilities. Yes I know your a ghoul but dont be afraid to show these boys that a girl can beat them." She laughs. Were the boys at this school very cocky?

"Ok just go into the locker room. On a table there are a bunch of uniforms. Find your size, get dressed then meet back out here in 10 minutes." I nod turning around and walking into the locker room. I find the table looking for my size x small. I find it walking over to a corner to drop my bag and start changing. There were other girls in here but non of them looked my way." O look who it is fatty patty. (I mean no offense to anyone. Everyone is beautiful in there own way.) Look out everyone she might sit on you." A girl with blond hair, blue eyes and an hour glasss shape says laughing. I frown seeing a beautiful young girl, slightly thicker then the average size for Japanese girl. "Go away Tracy, stop calling me that." The girl says running to the other side of the locker room. I frown, that wasnt very nice. Back when I was in school, being thick was the big thing. Except we all trained so much that pretty much any fat on out bodies was quickly burned off. I put my clothes in my bag walking over to wear the girl was." Hi I'm nagisa, I over heard what the girls said. I just wanted to tell you dont listen to them. Your beautiful just the way you are." She smiles wiping a stray tear." Thanks nagisa, I'm Patricia. Would you like to hang out today during gym. These physical exams can be pretty boring when it's not your turn." I smile nodding. I think I just made my first friend.

Leaving the locker room I'm surprised to find out that Patricia is actualy American. She was born in America and until a few years ago move here for her fathers job.

"Ok class line up, I'll call you by name for you examination, and remember there are no winners and losers. Do not strain yourself to much. I would not like a repeat of last semester." She grumbles." Ok first off mark."

I watch as a boy with short blond hair and green eyes high fives his friends before walking over. The teacher has him do a few different test such as speed, strength, flexibility and Endurance. It was fun to watch. She goes down the list until everyone has taken there turn but me." And finaly, nagisa." I sigh standing from the bleachers." Ok nagisa your test is going to be a bit different. I'll test you on all of the same things but I'll be pushing you a bit more." I nod,

" ok your first test is flexibility. Touch your toes. I easily bend over touching my toes. I hear a few wolf whistles making me growl." Ok good now sit and place you foot behind your head. I sit and easily do the task surprising I guess a lot of people because they seemed shocked." Ok great you pass. Sorry I dont have more for you. Now for strength." She points over to a pair of weights.

"I want you to pick all of those weights up. If you succeed in doing so then I have something more challenging for you." I nod walking over to the bar. It had every weight possible on it. Each side has 3, 500 weights, 3, 100 weights, and 3, 50 pound weights. I get under the bar and easily push it up and down. The teacher seemed shocked that I could do so. I'm a bit surprised as well. Why did I have such a hard time fighting all those nomus off if I was this strong?

"Ok now nagisa I want you to pick up a section of the bleachers. If you cant do it, that's ok there very heavy. I nod walking over to the wall. Pushing a small set closed I take a deep breath a lift the bleacher. It was a lot heavier then I expected but i still managed to do so." Amazing nagisa your very strong, now for endurance. Go back over to the weights and lift them. Hold them like that until you cant anymore." I nod doing as she said. This bar wasnt heavy at all. We were going to be here a while.

It had long passed a half hour when the teacher says to pit the weights down. I could of went a lot longer but I guess we were running out of time." Ok and finally speed. I want you to run around the gym four times. I'm going to calculate your speed and time." I nod walking over to the small orange come that represented the starting line. "Ready..... set..... Go."

Immediatly do I take off passing each corner in seconds. I round the gym my fourth time stopping. Every one stares at me wide eyed." Sorry if I have a bad time, I havent ran like that in a while and I'm a bit rusty." The teacher rights something down before looking at 2 small items. One was a stop watch the other was a speed detector." Omg nagisa it's only been 15 seconds you ran 56 mph." I smile" so did I pass?" She looks at me as if I was crazy then laughs." Did I say something funny?"

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