23: Touka

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We stand there as she starts explaining. "We were fighting and a CCG members had cornered me. Kaneki just suddenly turned into that. That's when you showed up. Who are you?" I smile.

"My name is nagisa. What is yours?" She gives a small smile." I'm Touka." I smile. What a beautiful name." Well miss Touka is there a safe place we can take you. I dont want you having to stress yourself. It's not good for the baby." Kirishima and Touka both look at me stunned." How did you know? I just found out myself?" I smile pointing to my ears." I can hear your childs heartbeat. Its soft but strong." she smiles holding her stomach.

"Kirishima do you mind finding you grandson for me while I take Touka somewhere safe?" He nods giving me a kiss on the lips." Sure, lily I wont be gone long hopefully. I'll find you. Or just find me." He says the last part with a bit of a smirk. He turns and begins walking away.

I follow Touka back to a small coffee shop. "Would you like a cup?" She asks going behind the counter. I shake my head politely declining." I'm not much of a coffee drinker." She shrugs making one for herself." I wish I could eat some chocolate though." I say practicaly drooling at the thought. I wish I had eaten more of it when I was human.

She laughs." Yah me to. Humans are lucky sometimes. They get all that delicious food." I nod in agreement. She sits down and drinks her cup. I look out the window to the small street. I wonder how kirishima is doing?

"So Touka-." Suddenly the door opens to an brown haired man with glasses." Touka are you he-" he stops staring at me wide eyed. He looks from me to Touka." Hello Nishiki. This is Nagisa." He slowly nods walking closer. He pokes my arm. I think trying to make sure im real." Um is he okay?" She strugs." I'm never sure If he's okay." I nod.

"Touka do you even know who this is?" Me and Touka look at eachother." Um nagisa, right?" She says looking confused." Touka shes not just any ghoul, shes the first ghoul. We're all descendants of her in a sense." Touka looks at me eyes wide. I just smile.

"Your really her. You saved us all from the massive tsunami in japan." I nod." Yes I held the waves back and kept a portal to the states open." He shakes his head." Are your shadows your kagune?" He asks curious. I shake my head." No unfortenutly since I was once human I either dont harness one or I havent been able to activate it. But it's ok my shadows work well against everything."  He just stares at me examining me." Um  could I do a few tests on you?" He asks making me raise and eyebrow." Um sure I guess. I can spare a bit of time. But I'll have to leave soon if my boyfriend doesnt come back.

For the next hour he conducts random tests on me anything ranging from a physical to mental to blood. After a while I was getting worried about kirishima.

"Sorry Nishiki but I have to go find my boyfriend. He should have found me by now." I say standing taking the needle out of my arm." Do you need help?" I smile." Thanks but no thanks it should only take a few minutes I say walking outside both of them following me. My shadows shoot across the ground and sky looking for any traces of kirishima.

I find him within minutes, but the sight makes me growl and become enraged. A man around his mid 50s was holding a katana slashing at kirishima. Kirishima did nothing but dodge or block the blows. In seconds my shadows are swirling around my feet taking me to kiris destination. I arrive in 2 minutes finding us at the top of a very high skyscraper. Kiri was cornered with no place to run.

"Hurt my kiri and I'll rip your god damn head off and feed you to my beasts!" I growl with so much venom laced into my voice even I shiver. I scared my self. The man doesnt seem affected but he does smirk holding his hands up.

"My, my what a despicable sight before me. The mother of all demons and the man I once held so dear to my heart. Betrayed, to love a monster." He says a smirk plastered on his face. I try not to let his words hurt, but they do. I'm not a monster, am I? Is that how people see me?

Kirishima glares at him." Grandson, how dare you speak to her like that. Yes you may not like her or even see eye to eye, but that doesnt mean you have the right to disrespect her so horribly. This is the first time you've even met. Your not making a very good first immpression." I look to kiri giving him a wtf look. I'm pretty sure I didn't need to meet the man to know I did not like him. He did after all flood Japan killing millions of people and ghouls for the soul purpose to try and draw me out.

The man stares at kiri for a minute before chuckling. I just shake my head face palming.

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