8.Should I join?

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I took my seat again. I felt numb, I could feel the intense stares of the people around me. A few other people come up and say there good byes. Soon it was time. I stand next to midoriya and make my way up. My heart was beating so loud. I felt like I couldnt breath. Standing in front of the casket I stare down at the one I loved and will always hold dear. He lay so still, unmoving, stiff. The sight hurt my heart even more knowing that he was only inches away, and if I were reach out and grab his hand, mine would only be met with ice. Kiri was gone and he was never coming back.

Even without my enhanced eyesight I could tell there was make up cakes onto his face to hide his scars. His scars were beautiful. Each one told a different story of something that had occurred during his life. Saying goodbye felt like I was jabbing a knife into my heart repeatedly! Midoriya had to help me back to my seat so other friends and family could say their goodbyes. Soon it was time to lower the casket.

I stood in front of everyone. The casket slowly lowered into the ground. Walking over to the pile of dirt I picked up a handful and dropped it onto the hole. Little by little I watched as my boyfriend, my love, my soul mate was buried. Never again would I hear his laugh, his voice. I would never get to here him make another joke about how manly things were. Never again would I be able to hold him close and tell him I loved him.

When the funeral had ended I couldnt find it in myself to move. To do so felt so wrong. How could anybody go about there day knowing that someone so amazing and precious has left us? Why kiri, why? Why did you leave us? Couldnt we have talked about this? Why did it have to end like this? Why couldnt we have lived together and grown old? Why was life so unfair?

As we leave we're stopped by a few men. One looked very old with silver hair and the other looked to be in his late 30s to early 30s. They both sported briefcases, weirdoes. Midoriya seemed tense though." What can I do for you gentlemen?"

The older one speaks first." We just wanted to talk to lily-""CALL ME THAT AGAIN AND I'LL RIP YOUR THROATS OUT." I yell making midoriya jump away. I could tell I scared them as they immediatly reach for there cases unlocking them. Two long spikey things come out. What the f*** are those things. I knew they were weirdoes but this is taking it to a whole new level.

I back up kinda grossed out by them as one looked kinda slimy. "Eww gross get away from us you weirdos." I say scrunching my nose up. What ever those things were, they looked like they could seriously do some damage and hurt people. There were a bunch of humans around. Not to mention a few kids.

"Now, now gentlemen please put your kagune away please. Nagisa means no harm, shes just sensitive to the name you called her." Midoriya explains making me sigh in relief. I didnt want to hurt or scare anyone, but if it came down to it I would do whatever I had to.

The weird tentacle looking things slide back into the cases. I step up now." Well now that it seems things have calmed down, I'd like to ask you what your doing? Yes the funeral is over, but this is still a place for mourning not fighting. Have you no shame in disrespecting the dead?" I hiss. The older one bows.

"Our apologies, we ment no sign of disrespect. Just in our line of work you expect anything at any time." I nod" We actualy came here for you Nagisa. Shall we speak in a more private location?" I nod motioning for all of is to enter the limo.

Once in and settled I motion for them to continue." Now nagisa we've come to ask you. You've heard as of lately that there have been more binge eaters than normal?" I nod, Wincing. I dont condone that type of behavior for anyone especially ghouls because our only food source is humans. To eat most have to take a life.

"Yes, what of it?"

The men looked at eachother." Its not us asking this it's our superiors. They want you to join the CCG. Your the ghoul who could easily beat us, even our top member. People arnt signing up to me members of our organization like they used to. And with so many deaths, we're facing the issues of being powerful enough to take down evil ghouls. So will you join us?"

Was this a joke? Were they seriously asking me to team up with them and kill my own kind. Looking at there faces I see there all to serious. I mean I want to keep people safe, but is joining the CCG the right way to go about it. Looking over to midoriya I see he had an uneasy look on his face." What do you think midoriya? Should I do it?"

He seems to ponder the questions for a few minutes before looking back at the men." Depending on your answer to my questions will decide if I think she should join or not." They nod, looking very serious.

"How do we know that if nagisa did say yes, you wouldnt try to kill her as soon as you got the chance? How do I know shes safe working with people who hold grudges and kill her kind for a living?

"Yes of course, our superiors have ordered that nagisa be left alone. She would not be a threat to anyone, and if anyone disobeyed this order. There to be stripped of there title and kagune, never to work for any government type job again. They as well will be relocated to America, who are also agreeing with us that it would be a good idea she joins. They will be relocated to America and must have Japan's and our approval to be aloud back."

Wow they really want me on there side. "Very well I will allow it, but the real question is. Do you want to do this Nagisa?" Taking a deep breath I release it nervously. Before I can stop myself I'm already saying yes.

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