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Next period was lunch. I would have left seeing as my last two periods of the day were free, but Patricia dragged me to lunch. We get in line she orders some food, I get a bottle of water. We sit down at some random booth table." So nagisa, I know your the creature of all ghouls, but why are you back in highschool? Aren't you well over 80 years old?" I nod sighing.

"It wasnt my idea to come back to school. It was my friend kaneki and midoriya's idea. They figured even though I had been asleep for a very long time, physically I havent changed. And since I never finished highschool, this is my life now. They probably just want to keep my occupied from all that's been going on." I say, leaning on my arm. She nods eating her sushi.

"Well look who it is. Its fatty patty and the monster." The girl named tracy from before says smirking. Uh I was not in the mood to deal with her. Why cant she just go away." Did you make a new friends. Figures only a lame ass dork like you could make friends with a freak." Ouch ok that was mean. Sitting up I stare at the girl. I guess shes what some people would call a slut based on her clothes. She wasnt in her gym uniform. She was in a pink crop top shirt showing all of her stomach and a very short shirt which was so high you could practicaly see her no no zone. How hasnt this girl gotten dress coded yet?

"Go away tracy, your so mean. Let me eat in peace." She begs. What the hell? Why was she acting like this?

"And why should I? Who's going to make me?" Ok I was done with this girls mouth. Turning around I give her my best fake smile." Trashy was it, I'll only ask you once. Please shut the f*** up, or I'll trap you in a dome of darkness until schools over." She laughs, probably thinking I'm bluffing. "Oh was that a threat. I'll have you know my daddy is the supervisor of of the Japan branch of the CCG. If anyone is going to making threats it's me. I could have you killed easily." She says smirking, as if proud of herself.

I smirk back standing." Sweety dont you thing if the CCG could kill me, I'd already be dead. Besides I work for the CCG. Dont forget who your talking to." I say glaring at her. This chick was so annoying.

She frowns clenching her fist. Suddenly the chick picks up a carton of open milk and throws it at me. With a flick of my wrist a shadow dome surrounds her encasing he in uter darkness. It's almost evil to do this to a human seeing as my shadows were darker then cave darkness. She'll probably go insane if I leave her in there to much." Told you trashy, I dont bluff." Everyone could here the pounding and screaming inside the dome. Maybe I'll let her out by the end of lunch if shes nice. We still have 30 minutes left. Besides after lunch I leave so, I kind of have to release her. I sit back down seeing the shocked look on Patricia's face.

"Whoa, I've never seen anyone stand up to her like that, your amazing." I smiles at the compliment." Thank you, but even so, I dont take s*** from anyone. Anyway another note. Why does she make fun of you? Why does she seem to hate you so much?"

She sighs looking down." Its kind of a long story." I motion for her to continue." Well you see when I was young my father died. My mom being a single mom it was very hard for her to balance work and me. So after a while my mom was transferred to Japan. Well my mom met tracy dad and they eventually got married a year later. Well after a while Tracy's dad became very abusive towards my mom. I guess since Tracy's dad does it to my mom she thinks it's ok to do to me." I clench my teeth. My moral are very equal. A woman shouldn't put her hands on a man and a man shouldn't put his hands on a woman. Unless it's for self defense. So just hearing this makes me angry. I remember when I stayed the night at todoroki's and found his father beating the crap out of him. I was so mad the Basterd was lucky I didnt kill him right there. "Patricia, is this still going on at your house? Has he ever put his hands on you?" She shakes her head." Yes he still does these things to my mom, but no he hasnt put his hands on me, yet." I pat her hands giving this poor girl a reassuring smile. Would you mind if I came over for a bit. If I'm going to be calling your step-father boss in the future, I'll be damned if I allow if to abuse his family. Hes suppose to be the one protecting it, not the source of the problem." She nods, giving me a warm smile. I'm kinda curious of what tonight would bring. If this man is anything like Todoroki's father, I'll have to beat some sense into the idiot!

The path I choose! BNHA/Tokyo GhoulWhere stories live. Discover now