16. Secret organization of death

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She smirks down at my form still on the ground." Is this the almighty nagisa that everyone praises, even humans? I am not impressed." She laughs
I stand watching as some of my chared skin almost immediatly heals." Who are you? Why are attacking me? I question glaring at the unfamiliar female.

She clicks her tongue." Not a very bright ghoul are you?" I feel my eyes change red in anger." Tell me who are or I'll drag you to the police station." She bursts out laughing. In a blink of an eye fire darts are thrown my way. I just barely able to dodge them. Looking back at the girl I gasp." You have a quirk, how? Quirks are supposed to be extinct."

She smirks." They are to the public." "As for my name you may call me star. I'll make you a deal if you can defeat me in battle I'll tell you how quirks still reside on this planet." I smirk at her releasing more of my shadows. The once lit room is now smothered by shadow killing the flame and dropping the temperature a few degrees.

"It depends, are you the one that made that explosion go off?" She nods her head. Within seconds I'm infront of her. Clenching my hand around her throat I allow my shadows to crawl up the skin on her body. Small bits of frost started to form. Her tan skin starts becoming a sickening pale white. She struggles to break free, small flames trying to emit from her hands." Dont toy with me girl. I care not if you have a quirk. You've put everybody's lives in this building at risk. You should be ashamed!" I fume.

Actually I lied it's amazing that she has a quirk. I have so many questions, but I can't let myself become distracted at what's at hand. She has used her quirk to potentiality harm someone. I cant let this go.

I release her throat before I suffocate her. She falls to the ground in a coughing fit." Fine I'll tell yo-you just st-stop." She sputters out.

I let her breath for a few minutes, all the while keeping the flames at bay with my shadows." Its about kirishima, he never took a lover and never had birthed a heir for his bloodline. Instead he adopted three sons. They oldest named katsu, the second oldest kimetsu, and the youngest kimoto. Kirishima raised them as his own and told only good things about you. Soon the sons each had children of their own. Kimoto only had one son. The boy as I've been told was the sweetest thing. That was until kirishima started to grow old. He talked only about you and nothing else. He started isolating himself. The boy whos name is yuta grew bitter as he grew up. He became a very bitter person and grew distant from his family. Soon yuta had two children. A son and a daughter as well. His name was gomen. His mother died at child birth so he was left to his bitter father who talked nothing about you and kirishima. He grew tired of it. Having a important role in the government he created a special group right after your blood started tainting the air. He recruited babies and trained them as they grew up. He raised them to be litterl killing machines. He locked them away in an air tight facility deep underground. Your blood couldnt reach them then. He trained them to better use their quirks. His sole purpose for everything was only one thing. He wants to kill you."

I stand their shocked, not that somebody wants to kill me, plenty of people want to. It was that kirishima had adopted three boys and raised them as there own. I technically have three sons. A giddily feeling fills my chest. Any child of kirishimas was mine as well. "And I'm apart of that group." Before I know what's happening she up kicking me in the chest. I felt my ribs crack and brake. I gasp flying through the wall outside. I couldnt breath. I could barely move. I barely land in a crouch before falling to my knees. It was hard to breath. I suddenly cough up blood. Damn.

I must have bruised a lung or something. People back away startled. Midoriya stands wide eyed as the girl just down using her fire to propel her to the ground." Midorira get everyone out of here." I muster already painfully feeling my ribs popping back into place and healing. I stand spitting the blood out. "Ok girl now you've pis*ed me off." She smirks." Allow me to finish the story. Until recently all of the recruits have been released causing chaos among the planet. Water, fire, earth, lightning, air. We've all gathered to draw you out." She smirks. I stare at her. She was crazy.

"But what about all of the deaths you've caused. You've killed millions of humans and ghouls alike. They were all just trying to live their lives. You snatched that away from them." She makes a tsk sound walking a bit closer." Ghouls deserve to be exterminated. They harm humans for nothing but a meal and for satisfaction. The humans were necessary sacrifices for the new world. Their deaths will not be in vein."

I couldnt comprehend all of this. This girl was litterly insane. She makes toga look like a saint.

"Your insane, how can you let someone manipulate you like this?" She smirks. Suddenly I'm struke from behind. Turning around I see three more people all men who look to be in their early 40s. Flames surrounded there hands and traveled up there arms. They raise there hands and flames shoot out. I barely dodge the flames of almost instant death. Jumping back I ready my shadows preparing to do the worst. These people were insane, but misguided. That didnt matter at this moment though. If they didnt stop I was going to have to do what I've never wanted to do. I would have to snuff out there flames.

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