20: Ok Im out. You just gave me 2 more problems.

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In walks the only man I had ever loved. The only man I had ever held so dear to my heart that it hurt to just think his name. In walked my mate kirishima. In all his glory. It took me a second to register what I was even seeing. But when I did tears immeditly formed in my eyes and I rushed to his side.

"Shhhhh it's ok lily I'm here, I'm here now. Theres no need to cry. I bury my face into his neck smelling his scent. He was without a doubt my kiri. But how was he alive. I saw his body. He was dead. He should be back in japan in a coffin, six feet under, and old. Pulling away I back up.

"How are you alive? I saw you, you were dead. Your wrists, they had been cut.

Kiri sighs taking my hands in his. I know lily and its been killing me this whole time not to reveal myself to you. You see it wasnt until now that I could. Please sit and I'll explain everything to you."

I follow him to the table. He pulls out a chair for me before pushing it in. He sits himself beside me with a nervous look.

"Before I tell you my story I want to tell you I never ment to hurt you. I was never supposed to fall in love with you. But I did and it's the best thing that has ever happened to me."

He takes a deep breath." I'm not human, I never have been. I lived in a small village in the woods across this land. My village is a band of shapeshifters. My village is very close to the royal capital. When I was 14. The royals came to my village in search of shapeshifters. You see they had consulted a witch who had told them your location. They were looking for a shapeshifter who could gain your trust. They choose me. They took me from my family to the castle. The royals trained and tortured me for a year until finaly deciding I was ready. I was then sent to the human world. There I met you. The moment I met you, I knew you were my mate. I tried my best not to get attached but I couldnt help myself.

I fell in love with you. I'm so sorry lily. All for one was just a pawn in their game. They used him to create that poison from your blood. They realized that your power could not be taken from you. That's why All for one modified you and turned you into a nomu. They wanted to weaponize you. The chip in your brain was just the first step. When the chip broke. That's when they realized your power was simply to dangerous and turning you into a nomu backfired. Originally they wanted to have you under their control, since they couldnt take your power they wanted to force you to fight for them. When that didnt work they gave up and decided that they had made a grave mistake. They want to kill you know lily, and it's all my fault."

I stare at him shocked. To much information was swirling around in my brain." So your saying everything that's happened to japan the world is because the royals want me dead?" He rubs the back of his head." And well my great great grandson also hates you and is working with them to kill you. But he also hates ghouls in general."

Getting up I push my chair in." Ok time out I need a break. My shit show of problems just went from two to four." I'm leaving before you give me 6." I turn ready to create a portal to my world when kiri suddenly pulls my arm." Lily I'm sorry I lied to you, but i had to. They have my family." He suddenly pulls out a photo. Three little girls were hugging there mother while in the background kiri was dumping a pile of leaves on their heads. The sight was beautiful." If I didnt listen to them theyll kill my family. They still have them and plan their execution in 1 week." He says a pleading look on their faces.

I sigh," only because I still love you." I say pulling him into a hug. So quick question? If i kill the royals will everything stop on earth?"

"Part of the problems will, we still need to convince my great grandson that your not evil and maybe then he'll call off his brain washed quirk users." I nod, shaking my head. My life is so fucked up.

                1 week later.
So I learned how to get from that world to my shadow world. I couldnt access it without passing through my world first which is weird. Today was the day. We were going to stop the execution of kiris family. I had decided that it ends here today. I'm going to kill the royals and end their putrid bloodline of hate.

Grabbing kiris hand we both step on my shadows. My shadows lift us high soaring through the air. Almost as if we were on a flying carpet. I wouldnt let kiris family be killed. I personally have never really had a family but I did have kiri, Aizawa, midoriya and everyone that had been at UA. My heart throbs a bit at the memory. That's what sucks about interacting with humans. They die on you. I'm so happy I have kirishima back. I feel a squeeze on my hand.

Looking over I see kirishima smiling down a me. One of his fangs slipping past his lips. Damn I missed this boy, yanking him damn I smash my lips yo his enjoying the moment we had together. I think everything was on it's way to going back to normal. Well semi normal.

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