Chapter 14: In The Days of Rest...

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A Few Days Ago—Unforeseen Simulation Joint

Often times, people tend to forget that Heroes really are just people, not some great deity. Truly, many often miss the point that All Might himself was just a man like any other, with his own flaws, even if very scarce.

And really, most would assume that the man's own successor must have been just as, if not greater than the number one Pro-Hero, but that couldn't have been any more farther from the truth.

At first, all his classmates and that of the other class had been amazed by just what they had seen. That Izuku―the same one who looked like he couldn't hurt a fly, who'd smile through ever little thing―had somehow been able to lead them to victory, to have gritted his teeth through their fight against the Villains, and more importantly, stepped up to the challenge to fight the Noumu, and actually succeeded in defeating that thing.

But had anyone really stopped to think about it... Well, the initial sacrifice was heavy.

"I'M HER—Eh?" When All Might arrived after hearing the dire news from Iida's lips, he had been ready to throw it down with the Villains. What he didn't expect to see was all sixty-five thugs that had invaded their school's perimeters tied up, with no more signs of battle.

The teachers that arrived next were just as shocked by what they were seeing, but were quick to go down and ensure the students' safety, in fear that anyone was injured. And thankfully, no one was!

No one died. All except the Noumu, now a bloody mess and charred beyond recognition. And, well...

When the other staff had arrived, Aizawa had done his best to explain to them that he, nor anyone else, was actually injured. Then came the hard part to explain to the staff and All Might that Izuku had actually died, and All Might's fear was well-shown, and someone had immediately contacted Recovery Girl, despite the boy's protests.

"J-Jeez! Don't ever do that!" A girl in the idol getup shouted, crying all the while, at Izuku, who chuckles sheepishly, unable to say anything proper. His classmates continued to stand nearby, all in agreement with the stranger's statement, all visibly distressed.

The black-haired man sighed as he looked at Izuku and his... group (who are they?), feeling the massive drain of energy from his body immediately tiring him out. That had been some crazy battle, and this was not how the day should have gone.

It was supposed to be a rescue-simulation exercise. Not all of this...

Something else had caught his attention. It was that, even though the boy had been smiling through it all, he looked thoroughly frustrated, as if he had failed at something.

With that, he decided to go up to his student, shooing some of the girls to give the boy some space before tapping him softly on the shoulder. "You alright, Midoriya?"

"Aizawa-sensei," he greeted, looking to a spot. The man followed his gaze, noticing his student's frown. "It's just... they got away. Ah man, and we could have caught them here and then."

"Well, you don't need to worry so much. You did something great today," and against his better judgement, his hand finds purchase in the boy's hair, ruffling it softly. "Be proud of that, at least. And, well... Are you feeling alright?"

The message was clear. He had just died, after all, but it didn't... it didn't feel terrible anymore. "Yes, sir. I... I'll manage."

His teacher just nods at this, deciding that the kid should at least get some rest, letting his friends watch over him in his place.

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