Chapter 28-3: Once And For All

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The punch he attempted to land on his enemy was delayed by the outburst of wind that shot against him, his cocked fist that was ready to slam itself into his enemy's face slowing down too much.

All For One watched him. Stared at him with a condescending look in his erased eyes, nothing but absolute glee and wickedness in his breath and gaze.

"You have failed, hero," he says, hand moving forwards and grabbing Izuku's fist and gripping hard, crushing his hand into a mess of bones and flesh, drawing forth a pained scream from the boy as his 'Quirk' deactivated against his will.

All Might, still not strong enough to join the fight yet, watched in horror, body tensing immediately. "No! Let him go!"

"I think not," shook his head the Villain, aiming a pitiful (pitiful? Disgusting, really) look at the boy. "I must say, I'm truly disappointed that it had to come to this... Our fight was truly exhilarating. More so than with All Might over there. He was just being pathetic."

"Don't..! Don't you dare say that about him..!" The boy still remained defiant, forcing his 'Quirk' throughout the rest of his body, baring his teeth at the man. Blood was flowing down his head like a river, and though he was lightheaded, he did not stop his glare. "He's the best..! The best Hero that has ever lived! He'll beat you, I just know it..!"

"No, Izuku Midoriya. He has failed too long ago already," sighed the man. His tone was clearer than earlier, morose and almost sympathetic. "And now... he has failed yet again."

A second hand grips Izuku's head.

"And so have you."

It's a second too late before his vision transitions into red...


A pitiful end... I'm so sorry, Izuku.

...Oh, wait. No, you're not Izuku, I'm sorry. You're... ahh, you wouldn't want to hear your own name, huh? Never mind then.

I apologise. I asked for your help, but in the end, you met your own end, didn't you? I had hoped that something like this wouldn't happen, but... but sometimes, things don't go the way you hope it does, doesn't it?

I was really certain... You have... ahh, I suppose it would be rather ignorant to say that you have experience in this sort of field. After all, it's never you yourself that lives the lives of these other people.

It's always a different you, isn't it? And sometimes, it's someone else in your family.

You're probably wondering why it has to be you. Or why it's your family. And sometimes, you ask yourself why you're in that particular world, or another. All I can say is... well, the Author wills it so. Or it might just have happened because that's how things goes; things happen.

Now then, I... I suppose you've made your choice, then? It's his turn now, isn't it?

Then it must be done... Very well. I pray that your soul finds peace. Put your heart to rest, and forever sleep now.


Moments Earlier—Somewhere Else

Lost... Either a condition, or a feeling.

Unknowing of where they were, or what they really wanted to feel...

In all her life, everything had been set in stone for her. She knew what she wanted to do, what she had to accomplish... and when her mission was complete, only for the one person that she cared for to suddenly be taken away...

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