Chapter 11: His Teammates

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The Next Day, Morning-Musutafu, Midoriya Apartment

Izuku got up quite early this time, knowing that he would have to handle breakfast for not just him and his mom and sister, but also an additional number of guests. And as much as he would have liked to just ask them to leave, part of him knew that he had to place his trust in them, no matter what.

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

Out of everything that could have happened, being a leader to a squad of Villains, and somehow having them living with him under a shared roof was not how he had expected things to go. But life's just funny that way.

*Knock knock.*

"Himiko," he calls out from the other side of her door, mindful not to raise his voice too loud. "Wake up. I'm making breakfast. Don't take too long."

That done, the boy proceeds to do the same with the other girls, easily imagining some of them to be heavier sleepers than even Eri.

From within the blonde's room, the blanket shook for just a moment before the figure rose, stretching her arms well above her head. "Hwaa...~"

Himiko opted to smack her lips together, wetting them and trying to peek her eyes open. While she would have loved to stay in bed a little longer, it'd probably go under the 'disobeying commands' section, and her pretty little head would go boom.

Not something she really wanted.

"Hmm... Man, this room is weird," she said, smiling through it all. "But cool!"

She got out of her bed, jumping off the wooden platform that the bed was on. Around it was bookshelves and drawers, which made it an interesting design. The room's walls were coloured rose gold, which was a colour she found absolutely lovely, along with the birch wardrobe to the side.

She opened her wardrobe, pulling out a cute little blouse and some shorts, leaving them on her bed while she goes to take her bath.

And she was ready for the first shower in a long time!


So let's get some things sorted out, for his ease of understanding the current situation.

One day, Kurokona appeared out of nowhere before the government. And then, after that, she convinced the government to allow her to put together a team of criminals that would undertake dangerous missions.

And, after that, for some odd reason, the team was comprised solely of one boy and a few girls.

He had been delegated the task of leading the task force of criminals, with Eri being a special case whereby she was described as a 'runaway', though even the description was very loose and inaccurate. That, and they would be taking care of the League of Villains when they get the chance to, as well as handling any dangerous missions that they couldn't risk having Pro-Heroes handle.

On one part, he wonders what the leaders were really thinking when they chose him, a seemingly ordinary fourteen-year-old, to take up the mantle of this dangerous job. Ah well, he might as well just enjoy this stupidity in his life now.

So here he was. Up and about in the kitchen, already preparing breakfast before anyone woke up.

'I'm the man in the house...' He thought groggily, still not sure what to make of the fact that he was really the only male figure in the house. And that everyone else were girls.

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