Chapter 13-3: Fight's Finality

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Katsumi Bakugo knew that she had always been such a troublesome child to handle. It's why she's often had trouble making friends, and some outright feared her, but such a problem was non-existent when it came to a certain 'Quirkless' boy.

A boy named Izuku Midoriya.

The two children had grown up together, and where she would have initially felt disdain at the sight of the young greenette upon receiving her 'Quirk', such a feeling was immediately replaced with respect upon sensing the determination he had, on the same day he had jumped into the river with her.

They had known each other for so long and had stuck to one another like glue; where one went, the other followed. They were the closest of friends, much closer to one another than they had ever been with others.

One was born with greatness, having been granted such a powerful 'Quirk' and destined to become an amazing Hero. Her ego would have made most assume that she wouldn't wish to have anything to do with someone who had nothing.

But such was not true for Izuku.

He was 'Quirkless', but he pushed through it all. Even when people pushed him down, he got back up, and smiled, and did what he could to learn from it all and grow stronger.

She was born with greatness, and he made himself great.

Perhaps that's one of the many reasons why she loved him so much. That, despite the great differences between the two, she had seen him as a great friend. One that she didn't want to leave, one that she wanted to be with for the rest of her life.

It's also one thing to admit that she may have a crush on the boy, for always being there by her side and helping her, learning from and teaching her so many things.

In the end, they were good friends, and nothing was going to separate them. It was a promise made between the two; an oath, if you will, that they shall remain true together, no matter what.


So why now?

Why like this?

"I-Izuku?" She didn't know when she had even started talking, but of all the things she could have said, it was all she could do but call out to his name.

She promised him that she'd protect him, and he'd protect her back. It's how they've gotten so strong together throughout the years, proving to everyone that they were the best, no matter how things went.

And yet, why did things go this way? He said he'd protect her.

But he should protect her and still be alive, right?

The unmoving body of her friend looks so blurry in her eyes, almost like a faded dream. But reality pulls her back, and she notices the increase in her breathing. How she was beginning to breathe smaller breaths, and she was suddenly feeling light-headed, panicked...


The abomination that towered over the child's body did nothing, and she had picked herself up to her feet, shakily approaching her friend as the creature ignored her, something wet beginning to cloud her vision.

Her hand touched his face, no warm breath gracing her skin. His skin is slowly losing its temperature, and the only warm thing she could feel was the blood pooling below her.

"I-Izuku? T-This isn't... isn't funny..." She mumbled, starting to grow desperate, giving him a small shake. "C-Come on, wa-wake up already... H-Heroes don't fall asleep on the job."

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