Chapter 1

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Hey. My name's Holly Heyde. Yep. Heyde. I know, I know. It reminds me of Dr. Jekyll too. Eh, whatever.


I groaned as I flipped my deep blue covers back. Can I not just relax after packing? Gah! Anyways, I swung my feet over the edge and stood. I grabbed my fleece throw that Jason had bought for me on the last tour. I was fucking freezing! Jeremy always has the house cold!

I wrapped the blanket around me as I headed into the living room to see what my cousin wanted. Knowing him, it would be to go get Starbucks.

"What, Jer?" I asked as I sat on the couch, his two Chihuahuas and my Bengal cat all jumping onto my lap.

Cleo hissed at the two small dogs before she curled up on my lap, leaving the two dogs to lay on either side of me.

"I swear, Holly, that cat is more like a dog than a cat," my cousin told me as he set a cup from Starbucks on the coffee table in front of me along with a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit from McDonald's.

I grinned as I picked up my breakfast and took a bite of it, both Bella and Bean looking up at me and wagging their tails. I laughed as I took a couple pieces of bacon and gave them each one.

"You spoil my dogs, Holly," Jer told me, chuckling as he sat next to me with his own cup of coffee from Starbucks.

"I try," I responded before I took another bite of my breakfast. "Oh, when are you dropping me off at the hotel with the band?"

"In about three hours," he responded, looking at the clock on the wall. "I'm sorry I can't go in with you, but I have to get to the bus with the guys as soon as I drop you off."

"It's fine, Jer," I told him before I took a pause to finish my food. "I will Skype you as often as I can. Jason too for that matter."

"I'm sure Cleo will be fine with Jason's girlfriend while you're gone," he told me, laughing as he scratched Cleo's ear.

"Oh, I'm sure," I responded as I grabbed my cup of coffee. Well, it was a caramel latte.

He laughed as his phone buzzed, letting him know he had a text. He pulled his phone out and looked at the text, laughing as he replied to it.

"Jason wants us to go ahead and take Cleo over so Callie can play with her for a bit," he told me.

I nodded as I made Cleo get off my lap. I stood, still holding the blanket around me, and headed for my room to actually get dressed. I opened my closet and looked through all of my clothes. Not finding something I wanted to wear.


"What, Holly?" He asked, his back to my doorway.

"I'm still clothed, silly," I told him and he turned and walked into my room. "I just need help finding something to wear."

He groaned as he just reached into my closet and grabbed the first thing that he could and tossed it onto my bed before walking out. He usually found pretty awesome outfits like that. So, when I couldn't figure out what I wanted to wear, I would leave it to him.

He had picked out a pair of black skinnies and a Rock 'N' Roll cutoff tee. I knew just what I could pair with this. So, I stripped out of my Budweiser lounge pants and my tank top and pulled my clothes on. I hunted around the bottom of my closet for my combat boots. Which didn't take too long to find. I slipped them on and grabbed my leather jacket, a couple bracelets, and my sunglasses. And I was all ready to go!

I grabbed my suitcase from my bed and lugged it downstairs. Jeremy was already putting Cleo in her pet carrier, bribing her with her favorite tuna cat treats. When he finally got her in and closed the door of it, he let out a sigh of relief. Which made me chuckle at him.

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