Chapter 13

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It had been a couple, uneventful months since I got home from the hospital and since I lost my virginity. Alan was always doing whatever he could for me. He would also take me into the studio when he could.

I had also been feeling a bit sick for the past few days. I had a feeling that it was more than a simple stomach virus. So, earlier while Alan was in the studio, I picked up a couple pregnancy tests. I just had to see if my gut feeling was right or not.

I had locked myself in the bathroom, waiting on the results of them. When my watch let me know the time was up, I looked at the first. It had a little blue plus sign on it. As did the other two. I almost froze.

I had to talk to someone. I just didn't know what to do right now. Alan was in the height of his career and a baby would just hold him back.

I grabbed my phone and numbly dialed Tino's number. Knowing he was with Kaylee, Phil, and Jamie. I just needed my brother right now. I couldn't call Jer cause he was in Germany right now.


I was hanging out with my girl, Kaylee and Phil and his wife, Jamie. We were all laughing at a joke Kaylee had made when my phone started ringing.

I answered the phone and stepped aside so I could hear.


"Tino? I need you," Holly whimpered. "I'm scared."

She sounded so frightened. But, why was she calling me? Alan always had his phone on. So did Austin.

"What's wrong, Croci?" I asked her, trying to calm her down.

"I'm scared, I don't know how Alan is going to react and I need my brother," she replied and I could hear her crying.

"Croci, I'll be there as soon as possible," I told her and before I could say anything else, I heard her start screaming. It sounded like she was in pain.

She dropped the phone and it went dead. I started panicking. I quickly put my phone away and hurried back over to the group, who were looking concerned.

"What's wrong?" Phil asked, wrapping his arm around Jamie's shoulders.

"It's Croci," I answered, panic clear in my voice. "Something's wrong."

Phil nodded and we quickly took off, letting Kaylee and Jamie stay at the mall. They never really got along with her so they didn't want to go.


When we got to the house, I saw an ambulance outside and Croci was being carried out on a gurney. What the hell happened?

I parked the car and me and Phil hurriedly got out. Phil was the first to ask about her.

"What happened?" he asked, panicking.

"She's in hypovolemic shock," the female paramedic answered as she hopped in.

"Let me go with her," I said hurriedly.

The Paramedic shook her head and closed the back of the ambulance before it sped away, sirens ablaze.


Austin and I were working on the last of the songs we had left. So, not much was going on. I was laughing when I answered my phone.

"Alan! You, Austin, and Aaron get your asses to the hospital! Something is wrong with Croci!" Tino shouted and he was very worried.

I quickly hung up and set my guitar down before I grabbed Austin and Aaron, dragging them behind me as I ran out to my car.

They both got worried looks on their faces as I shoved them in without a word.


I ran in with the two at my heels. We were met by a very worried Phil and Tino.

"What happened?" I demanded, getting them to look at me.

"We don't know," Tino explained. "Croci called me and she sounded terrified. Next think I know, she's screaming and the line went dead."

"We got to your place and seen her being loaded into an ambulance," Phil explained.

I ran my fingers through my ginger hair as I sat down. I was worried about her. Damn. Why does shit like this happen? Especially to Holly? She doesn't deserve it.

After what felt like forever, I heard someone ask who was there for Holly. I immediately shot up, as did my friends.

"How is she?" I asked quickly. I needed to know if she was alright now.

"She had internal bleeding caused by an ectopic pregnancy," the doctor explained. "She was in shock when she was brought in. She's stable now. We repaired the damage and had to remove a fallopian tube because of the damage."

"When can I see her?" I asked immediately as soon as he finished speaking.

"I am truly sorry sir, but, only immediate family are allowed back," he explained with a long look.

"She is my fiancee," I quickly lied. Probably not my best lie, but, at least it would get me back there with her.

He nodded, "Alright, Follow me sir," he said, motioning for me to follow him.

He stopped by an open door, "She will probably be asleep for a few more hours."

I nodded before I walked in, the sight of Holly laying there with IVs, a heart monitor, and oxygen made my heart sink a little.

I took a seat next to her, my hand finding it's way to hers.

"Holly, please be okay, please," I whispered, leaning over and placing a kiss to her lips.

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