Chapter 17

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We were finally in Perth and I was sharing a room with Jeremy as usual. I didn't mind. Honestly, I didn't get as much time with him as I would have liked. Even when I was on tour with them. If I wasn't helping to set up, one of the other band's techs needed me for something. But, on our days off, it was just us. Well, sometimes Jason would tag along. Which I didn't mind at all.

"Are we ready for the beach?" Jeremy shouted, laughing.

He was too excited for this. I had decided to do some surfing that I had learned when we had a few weeks off and I had went with Callie to the beach in LA. Honestly, I went surfing as often as I could.

So, I was wearing my Leopard print bikini under some of Jeremy's clothes. Basketball shorts and a jersey. Why? They were far better than any of what I own to wear to the beach.

"Ready now?" Jeremy asked impatiently outside the bathroom door.

"Yes," I said, laughing as I put my hair into a messy bun. "About when are the guys meeting us there?"

"In about an hour and a half," he told me as we walked out of the hotel room, him carrying the bag this time. "They had to meet with the manager. Well, our manager but he's kinda taken them under his wing."

I nodded. I was so excited. And I was pretty good at surfing too.

On the way, I uploaded a new profile picture for Twitter that I had taken when Jeremy was driving us back to the hotel.


After a few minutes, well about twenty, we were finally at the beach. I told Jeremy to pick a spot while I went and rented a board. I had a feeling that, since I had left the jersey with my cousin, the guys here would be staring at my tattoos. Which didn't bother me.

After all the crap with trying to get the board, I finally got it and headed back towards Jeremy.

"Care to help me?" I asked, grinning innocently at him as I picked up the sunscreen.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes before he covered my back. I took it from him and did the backs of my legs and arms.

I'm sure Alan is gonna love this. Since I got a new tattoo that he doesn't know about. It's healed now, but, I wanted it to be a surprise. It was the Lion King cave drawing of Simba as a cub. I had always loved it.

"Ready?" Jeremy asked as I grabbed the board.

"Yep!" I told him excitedly before I took off to the water.


We were walking to the beach after we had to meet with the manager. Phil, Aaron, and Tino were ahead of me and Austin.

"So, please tell me you're gonna propose soon," Austin whined for the millionth time after I told him my plan. And asked Jeremy is it was okay with him.

"You'll see soon enough," I responded as we found Jeremy laying on a beach towel, basking in the sun.

When Tino blocked the sun, he removed his sunglasses and sat up, "If you're looking for Holly, be prepared to wait a while," he said, laughing.

"Why?" I asked, confused as I sat next to my girlfriend's cousin.

"Look out that way," he said, pointing towards the ocean.

We looked to where he pointed, seeing the familiar fire engine red hair belonging to Holly. Seeing her standing on a surfboard, riding a wave she had just caught.

"She surfs?" Phil asked, sitting beside me.

"Yep," he said, laughing. "Any chance she gets."

I watched as she rode the wave with ease.

Before long, she ran up to where we were, carrying the board.

"What did ya think?" She asked with a grin.

"You were amazing," I told her as I stood and pressed a light kiss to her lips.

She returned it with a grin on her face.


Back at the hotel, Austin and her had switched for the night. So, Holly was staying with me and Austin was staying with Jeremy.

"I love you, Holly," I whispered as I pressed a kiss to her lips.

She returned it, "I love you too, Alan."

The rest of the night, I wouldn't be surprised if the guys around us heard us all night.

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