Chapter 16

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I had to fly out to Soundwave to help my brother with his drum kit. Seeing as Nate got hurt somehow.

Well, I was flying out with the guys of Of Mice & Men. There were still a few days until the festival started, but, Jeremy and the guys had a few days off in Perth and they wanted all of us to join them, since they were playing Soundwave as well.

"Excited to get to Perth?" Alan asked me, grinning.

I nodded, "Very much so," I responded, laughing. "You?"

He nodded, "As long as I can spend the time with my beautiful girlfriend," he responded before he pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Wait til we get to the hotel for that," Austin groaned, covering his eyes with his beanie.

Which got Alan and I to laughing. As well as Aaron, Phil, and Tino. Who were sitting behind us.

"Whatever," I muttered after Alan pulled away. "Oh! Tell me again what Zaszsa did to you before the guys left for England."

Austin groaned as he pulled his beanie further down his face. I just had to laugh. Only Austin, Alan, and I knew what Zsazsa had done to him. Well, Zoltan too seeing as Austin tried flirting with her while the five of us were hanging out before they had to leave. Zoltan wanted to get to know them.

"Do I have to, Holls?" Austin groaned, his neck and ears turning red.

"Yes, Austin," I said, smirking. "Tell us."

He groaned before he told the guys what Zsazsa did to him. Which was using her Jiu-jitsu on him. Zoltan had to translate what she said. Which was 'Keep flirting pretty boy and I won't talk to you' in Hungarian.

Needless to say, they hit it off better than most guys that had tried to flirt with her.

But, Phil, Aaron, and Tino were laughing so hard at it, making Austin sink further into his seat.

Oh, did I mention that the doc had finally given me the A-OK? I was so excited! Although, I don't think Jeremy was too thrilled. I was growing up on him.

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