Chapter 15

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Finally back at home. In Las Vegas this time. I was laying on the couch with Cleo curled up on my legs. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift playing on the flat screen.

I had always had a thing for Lucas Black. I just loved his deep southern drawl. I can't help it!

Anyways, Jer and Jason had to go out to pick up someone from the airport. I had no clue who it was. None of them would tell me.

Alan and I were as great as ever. They had to leave for tour not long after Jer and the guys got back from their European tour. So, I came back to Las Vegas with them. And in the next couple days, Of Mice & Men were gonna be in Las Vegas for a show.

We always talked on Skype after a show of theirs. I even got to know Aaron better. He and I hardly talked before.

And Kaylee and Jamie seemed to like me better. They actually decided to make an effort and get to know me.

Cleo was being a sweetheart. Like she always was. She hardly left my side any more.

I picked up my phone as it vibrated. I noticed I had a notification from Twitter. I chuckled as I checked it.

@AlanAshby: I miss my baby! @hollyheydedrums

I laughed as I read the replies from Zoltan, Jer, Jason, and Chris. Even replies from Austin, Aaron, Tino, and Phil.

@drumsfromhell: @AlanAshby Holly is my baby girl!

@jasonhook_5fdp: @drumsfromhell @AlanAshby She's mine!

@austincarlile: @AlanAshby @jasonhook_5fdp @drumsfromhell there's enough of her to go around! Lol

@youngfuego: @AlanAshby @drumsfromhell @austincarlile @jasonhook_5fdp she's my sister! Mine! All mine!

I rolled my eyes before I exited the app. Who was Jer picking up from the airport?

I ran my fingers over the incision on my lower abdomen. Thinking. I wonder what would have happened if the embryo hadn't implanted itself in my fallopian tube.

The incision had healed nicely. Well, it was close to being healed. My doctor here in Las Vegas told me to give it a few more weeks before I did anything strenuous. Like sex or exercise. Even drumming!

I stood off the couch and headed into the kitchen to find something to eat. I needed to drag Jer grocery shopping soon.

What I ended up finding was not much. Bread I had made when I got bored the previous day and some peanut butter. Hey, I have always loved it. A peanut butter and butter sandwich sounded so good right now.

I heard the door open and someone shout in Hungarian. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my sandwich and headed into the living room, meeting Zoltan.

He pulled me in for a side hug before the both of us took a seat on the couch, Cleo hopping up onto his lap.

Cleo had always loved him. He was so good with animals. Granted, he was the one who gave her to me.

"Want to tell me what happened, Kislány?" he asked me as he scratched Cleo's ear.

I sighed after I swallowed the bite I had taken. I had told Jer that I wanted to be the one to tell them. And he understood.

I explained everything to him. I felt so comfortable telling him things like that. He was the brother I never had. Well, Jer was a different story. He and I were like one and the same person. And he was like my dad.

"Well, that's a good thing," Zoltan told me. "The part about him telling you that anyways."

I smiled and nodded before we went to watching the movie. I kept eating my unusual sandwich.

"Oh," Zoltan said after a while. "Go change into this. The reason I came over."

I looked at a dress hanging on the back of the front door. It was pretty fancy. I gave him a look, to which he just laughed, as I stood and took the dress to my room. I walked out soon after, Zoltan handing me a pair of shoes his sister designed.

I rolled my eyes as I sat down beside him and slipped them onto my feet.

I almost jumped when the front door opened and Jer ran in, telling me he had a surprise for me. I raised an eyebrow as he pulled me to my feet and put a blindfold over my eyes.

"What the hell guys?" I asked, confused as Jer led me out to his car.

"Wait and see," he answered, laughing as he pushed me into the passenger side of the car.

He ran around and got in, started it and drove off. Where the hell was he taking me to?

The drive seemed like forever. I couldn't see where we were going. But, when he stopped, I had a feeling of where we were. But, I wasn't too sure.

Jer pulled me out after he got out and pulled me inside. He said something to someone before he continued to direct me to wherever he was taking me to.

He pushed me into a chair before he took off.

"Where the hell am I?" I demanded before I felt someone untie the blindfold.

I got a good look around. I was brought to an upscale French restaurant. I noticed that it was my favorite that Jeremy brought me to on my birthday every year.

But my birthday wasn't for another four months.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked, seeing the familiar ROCK tattoo along the pale fingers.

I looked up to see Alan standing behind me with a grin on his face. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips.

"I missed you so much," he told me against my lips.

"I missed you too, Alan," I whispered just after he pulled away.

He took a seat across from me. This day was perfect.


After we left the restaurant, I noticed I had a text from Jer.

JerBear: Have fun! You two have the house to yourselves tonight! I'm staying with Callie and Jason. Cleo's with me too.

I rolled my eyes as I put my phone back in the clutch that Zoltan had Jer give me on our way.

After walking inside mine and Jeremy's apartment, Alan pressed a kiss to my shoulder. He knew what the doc told me and although he wanted to make love, he knew we should listen to the doctor. We ended up going straight to bed and just laid there, talking to each other.

This was the perfect day. And he reiterated that he wanted to try for a baby after I was given the A-OK if I wanted to. Which I did.

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