Chapter 18

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I was bummed that I couldn't go on tour with Death Punch or Of Mice & Men. I was on strict orders to stay home and rest while the guys were on the three and a half month tour after Soundwave. Apparently I've been working too much lately.

And right now, Death Punch was gone on an eight month tour. So, I was stuck in Las Vegas with Callie. Not that I minded.

And the idiot had dragged me to the doctor because I was puking my guts up. And waiting was driving me nuts. I wanted to know if I was or not. I might not have showed that I was excited to Callie, but I was.

"Alright, Miss Heyde," Dr Davis said as she walked in with a grin. "You're pregnant. Congratulations. Now, are you staying in Las Vegas? Or moving to Los Angeles with your boyfriend?"

It was weird how much she knew about me. It was actually scary.

"Wait, how do you know that?"

"I've been seeing Jeremy for a bit," she replied as she pulled the sonogram machine over. "He talks a lot."

I nodded as she put the gel on my belly, making me shiver. She chuckled at my reaction as she moved the probe around.

"So, if you are moving to LA, I know this amazing OB-GYN and he honestly is the best in the city," she explained before we heard a thumping. "Holly, it looks like you're about three months along."

I looked to Callie. That was about how long ago I was in Australia with the guys.

I looked at the screen and saw a blob. I couldn't believe it. I would wait til Alan got back from tour to tell him. I wanted to tell him in person.


I was laying on my bed, watching Crank: High Voltage when I heard the front door open. I didn't feel like getting up and whoever it was would have had a key. I wasn't worried.

"Guess whose back," Alan said, laughing as he climbed into the bed behind me.

I turned over in his arms with a smile on my face.

"I got some news for ya," I said with a smile. "Some I think you might love."

"What is it, Love?" he asked, brushing some of my hair back.

"I'm pregnant," I told him with a smile.

His grin widened, if that was possible. He leaned in and pressed a kiss on my lips.

"How far along?" he asked me.

"Dr Davis said about three months," I answered.

He nodded, "Holly, I want to take you to dinner tomorrow, think you can get Zsazsa to help you get ready?" he asked me.

I nodded, "Sure, but-"

"I already talked to her, Love," he answered, laughing.

I rolled my eyes. He was always thinking ahead of time. I pressed a kiss to his lips and he returned it.

"Only Callie knows," I told him. "You want to get on Skype later with the guys and tell them?"

He grinned and nodded.


We had the guys of Death Punch and Of Mice & Men on Skype and were just talking before I said we had some news for them.

"Spit it out, Holly," Jeremy said impatiently.

I laughed, "Guys, I'm pregnant," I told them.

All of Death Punch froze while Of Mice & Men started cheering and congratulating us.

I was nervous to hear Jeremy's response, but, when a grin spread across his lips, I knew he was ecstatic.

"I'm gonna spoil my niece or nephew so bad you won't be able to stand them!" he exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. "I'm gonna be the cool Uncle!"

"Hey, Jer, this kid is gonna have a shit ton of Uncles," I told him, laughing. "There's the bands that are friends with Alan as well as the bands that are friends with you guys."

"So, you're gonna have to watch out, Jeremy," Austin said, laughing. "You might not be the favorite Uncle."

"Jeez, just calm down," I said, laughing. "Anyways, how's everything in Europe?"

"We have a day off in Berlin today," Ivan told me, grinning. "So, we're gonna basically split up."

"Yeah, Chris and I are probably gonna head one way while Jeremy and Jason go another," Zoltan said, chuckling.

"What about Ivan?" Alan asked, laughing.

"I'm doing whatever," Ivan responded with a huge grin. "Now, I'm going back to bed. I need sleep which you guys woke me from when Holly called."

"See ya Ivan," Alan and I called out, laughing.

He waved back before he headed to his bunk.

We spent the next two hours talking about whatever with both bands.

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