Chapter 4

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After a few more concert dates, we had a couple days off before Knotfest. So, Alan and I were gonna go to a local diner so we could get to know each other better.

"Holly, you about done in there?" Austin asked me from outside the bathroom.

"Austin, I am getting ready, don't rush me," I told him, laughing as I ran my brush through my wet hair.

"Just hurry, Alan is driving us nuts," he told me, laughing.

I heard him walk off to let me finish getting ready. I grabbed my blow dryer and dried my hair. I decided to wear an outfit that Val and Michelle bought me. Even though I told them not to.

It was a mint green tank top with a tan leather jacket, a pair of dark blue jeans, and a pair of knee high boots with bows on the side.

I pulled on my undergarments and my clothes and decided to put my hair up in a messy bun. I'd probably end up ditching the jacket before the nights over.

Anyways, we all had rooms at the hotel since the festival is three days and we have a couple days off.

And since Death Punch is playing the festival as well, Jeremy shared a room with me. I was excited about that!

"Holly, are you about done?" Jeremy asked me with a laugh.

"Almost, Jer," I responded, laughing. "I just need to finish my eyeliner!"

I did just that. A simple thin line of it. Which made my deep green eyes pop.

I left the bathroom to see my cousin laying on his bed playing on my computer.

"How do I look, Jer?" I asked, spinning around so he could see my outfit.

"Gorgeous, Holly," he responded with a wide grin. "My baby girl is finally going on a date!"

"Jer, it's just to get to know each other better," I told him, laughing as I grabbed my purse.

"Be back before midnight!" he called after me as I opened the door.

"Yes, Dad," I said, rolling my eyes as I closed the door behind me.

I was met by Alan, who was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a black tee, and a pair of Vans. He was looking handsome.

"Ready?" he asked with a grin.

I nodded before the both of us headed downstairs. The diner was a short walk from the hotel, so we just walked.

"So, why is it that Jeremy raised you?" he asked me as we walked.

"Well, my parents were killed in a car crash when I was seven and the only person that could was Jeremy," I explained.

He nodded, "Sorry about your parents," he said as we walked into the diner.

"It's fine," I told him as we took a seat at a table. "I don't really remember it that well."

"Anyways, how did you get into drumming?" he asked me with a grin.

"Well, I was about ten and finally coming out of my shell when Jeremy had decided to do some practice before the first band practice," I told him. "I was so enamored by the sounds that he asked if I wanted to learn. I said yes and it went from there."

Just as I finished explaining, a waitress came over, "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"I'll just have a cup of coffee," I told her with a smile. "Irish Creme and some Hershey chocolate creamer. Sugar too."

She nodded, writing it down before turning to Alan. Who just ordered a cup of black coffee.

"I'll have it right out," she told us before she walked off.


I sat on my bed, playing on Holly's computer. I was worrying about her. She's practically my daughter. Even if she is my cousin. I raised her.


I looked up to see Jason.

"How did you get in? Only Holly and I have a key card," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, actually, Austin has one too," he told me as he sat on the chair at the table. "Anyways, I came in to see how you're taking Holly going out."

"Not very well, Jason," I responded before I posted on Twitter.

@drumsfromhell: My baby girl is going on a date 2nite. I ain't sure I'm ready.

I posted a picture of Holly and I with the Tweet.

I closed the laptop and set it aside, sighing.

"Jeremy, dude, you are worse than a dad," he commented. "I know you raised her. But, you gotta learn. She's not a little girl any more."

"I know, Jason, I know!" I said, almost snapping.

"Dude, calm down," he told me. "Look, I'm gonna head back to the room. Try not to jump her case when she gets back."

I waved him off before he left the room.

I know I acted excited and happy that Holly was going out, but, I was actually worried.

I knew I couldn't go off on her when she gets back. I knew her temper too well. I had been on the receiving end of it enough times, after all. But, we always talked things out after about an hour or so.


It was 11:55 and I was pacing the room. Where was she? I almost jumped when I heard the door open. I looked to see Holly walking in with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Jer," she greeted as she set her jacket on her bed. "It's before midnight. I'm not late."

"I know, Holly, I was just getting a little worried," I told her as I sat on my bed. "Your first date since him."

She sighed, "I know, Jer, I know," she said as she sat next to me. "I have to get out some time or another."

I nodded, sighing, "I know, baby girl," I told her as I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into a hug. "Just, please be careful."

"I will," she told me, sounding sleepy.

I chuckled lightly as I heard her breathing slow. Gently picking her up, I carried her over to her bed. I tucked her in and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

I remember doing that when she was younger. It's good to know some things never change with time.

"Good night, baby girl," I whispered as I stood before making my way to my own bed.

I had been told by a lot of people I remind them of a dad.


I practically fell onto my bed after I got back to mine and Austin's room. I enjoyed my time with Holly. And when I asked her if I could take her out again, I was ecstatic when she said she would be looking forward to it.

"How did it go with Holly?" Austin asked me and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I had an amazing time with her," I told him as I rolled over onto my back. "I really do like her, Austin."

"Just talk to her, Buddy," he told me, laughing a little. "Who knows? Maybe she will say yes if ya ask her to be your girlfriend."

I thought about it. I would give it some more time, but, I hoped to be able to ask her before tour was over. Maybe I could talk to Jeremy beforehand.

Something was off though. When I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, she tensed at first. Like she had been hit before. It pissed me off to even think of the possibility of that being the case.

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