Chapter 9

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I sighed as I came to a stop at the address Alan gave me. I was staying with him while I was in LA. Didn't bother me though. I put Cleo's leash on her and stepped out. I popped the trunk and got both of my bags.

"Come on, girl, let's go see Alan," I said to her and got a meow in response. 

I laughed as I walked up to the door and knocked. I heard someone shuffling around, "Just a second!"

I laughed and Cleo sat down while we waited. The handsome ginger opened the door with a grin. 

"Holly!" He exclaimed as he pulled me into a hug. 

"Hey, Alan," I greeted with a smile.

Cleo got tired of not getting any attention, so she let out a loud meow and scratched at Alan's leg. Alan laughed as he let go of me and knelt down to pet Cleo. 

"She's beautiful," he told me as he picked her up.

"I know," I said as he let me inside, him picking up one of my suitcases. 

I had the other and he led me to the guest room, "Well, this is it. Not much, but, yeah," he said, laughing as he set Cleo back on her feet. 

"It's fine, Alan," I said as the both of us set my suitcases on the bed. 


After putting away all of my stuff, it was about ten o'clock. I also had to make sure Cleo had some food in her dish and water. And I was still wired. Well, the both of us were wired. So, Alan asked the other guys to come over. I grinned as I looked over the movies Jeremy threw into one of my suitcases. I picked up one. Oh, that should be a good one!

It was my favorite one. I grinned as I ran down to the living room. All of the guys were sitting around, talking as I walked in.

"Hey, wanna watch I Drink Your Blood and I Eat Your Flesh?" I asked, grinning. 

"What the?" They asked as I put the DVD in the player before I squeezed in between Alan and Austin like I did on tour. I covered my freezing legs with the fleece throw that I always use since Jason bought it for me.

"You're too skinny if ya can fit between us," Austin commented, laughing. 

I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"I just so happen to eat more than Jeremy, thank you," I said before I started paying attention to the movie.


By the time the movies were over, I was laying across Alan, Austin, and Aaron. 

"Uh, Holly, can I ask you what is wrong with you?" Tino asked, looking over at me. 

"Uh, you'll have to ask Jer that one," I said before a yawn escaped my mouth. 

I pulled my blanket closer to my body and snuggled closer to Alan, seeing as my upper body was on his lap.

"I remember one time when we were watching the last Saw movie, Jer and I were eating spaghetti," I commented before another yawn escaped my mouth.

"I guess that's our que to go," Austin said, laughing as him and the others stood.

"We'll be by in the morning, guys," Phil told us, laughing. 

I refused to get up, so they all had to give me a hug with me still laying across Alan's lap. When I heard the front door close behind them, I rolled over so I could face Alan easier. 

"Hey, Alan," I said, getting even sleepier by the minute. 

"Yeah, Holly?" He asked, moving some of my now fire engine red hair out of my face.

"Thanks for letting me stay," I muttered before I let sleep overcome me.


I smiled as Holly fell asleep. So, I gently picked her up, not wanting to wake her. I carried her to her room and laid her down on the bed. I covered her up and started to leave the room, but she caught my wrist in her grasp.

"Please stay," She begged, her hazel eyes pleading.

I nodded and climbed in the bed behind her. I pulled her close and she held onto me as tight as she could. Her cat, Cleo, hopped up on the bed and curled up behind my knees. 

She turned so she was facing me, "Thank you, Alan," she whispered before she let sleep take over. 

She looked so scared before. But, when I pulled her into my arms, she calmed down. What happened before? I mean, she always sees the good in people, but what's scaring her like this? I pressed a kiss to her forehead, "I love you, Holly, don't forget that," I whispered in her ear before I let myself fall asleep.

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