Chapter 10

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A few days had passed. All uneventful. Right now, Alan and I were sitting in the living room watching some movie. Well, we were talking to each other and not paying attention to the TV. 

"Holly," Alan said all of a sudden. I looked up at him from where I was laying my head on his leg. 

"Yeah, Alan?" I asked, confused. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach?" he asked me, grinning. "Seeing as it has been uneventful lately."

I grinned, "Let me go get changed, you too," I told him, laughing as I stood.

Cleo following me to my room. I grabbed my Leopard print bikini out of the dresser and a pair of shorts. I quickly changed and grabbed a pair of sunglasses.

"You wanna go, Cleo?" I asked my cat, grinning.

She meowed at me and hopped off my bed. She started circling my legs, making me laugh. 

"Alright, girl, let's get downstairs and I'll grab your leash," I told her, laughing as I left my room with her following me.

I sat on the couch with her harness and leash in my hands. She hopped up and sat on my legs, waiting for me to put it on her.

"That cat really does like going everywhere you do, huh?" Alan asked, laughing as he sat next to me.

"Ya think?" I asked him, chuckling as I put her harness on her. "You should see her when she sees water."

"Uh, why?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll see," I told him, laughing as I stood. 

I noticed he was wearing a pair of dark blue trunks and had a tank top on. And he apparently already had a bag ready for the day at the beach. Which I found really sweet. 


When we-meaning me and Cleo-were sitting on the towel, Alan was determined to find something to drink. Cleo was waiting patiently to be able to run into the water. I scratched her ear and chuckled before I spotted the guitar case beside the umbrella. I had found that Jeremy put it in the backseat of my car while I was still packing. Making sure I took it with me. It was a gift from Jason for my nineteenth birthday.

I reached over and opened it, revealing the custom painted acoustic. I loved it. It had a cartoon rendition of me, Jeremy, Jason, Zoltan, Chris, and Ivan at one of their concerts. It was my favorite picture. And Jason had it styled like a cartoon to put on my guitar.

I grinned as I let my fingers slide over the strings. I contemplated what I should play, when it practically hit me. I was the reason they did the cover of this song in the first place. It was my idea for Pete's sake!

"Tossed into my mind, stirring the calm

You splash me with beauty then you pull me down

Cause you come from out of nowhere

My glance turns to a stare

Obsession rules me, I'm yours from the start

I know you see me, Our eyes interlock

Cause you come from out of nowhere

My glance turns to a stare

One minute here and one minute there

Don't know if I'll laugh or cry

One minute here and one minute there

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