Chapter 12

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After a few weeks, I was allowed to go home. But, not to Las Vegas. I didn't want to stay there for a while. Seeing as I wanted to spend some more time with Alan. And the fact that Death Punch had another tour. He was ecstatic that I wanted to spend time with him. Jeremy, on the other hand, was going crazy. Since he was going on tour again.

Right now, it was about ten at night and I was laying on the bed, thinking. I felt the bed dip beside me. I looked over to see a shirtless Alan sitting beside me. I smiled at him as I sat up, albeit it was a bit painful. I just got a cramp like I always do when Mother Nature is gonna be calling soon. He gave me a worried look.

"It's fine, Alan, I promise," I said as he moved so he was sitting behind me, me between his legs with my body resting against his chest. "Just a cramp. Mother Nature's warning."

"I just worry about you, love," he whispered in my ear before he pressed a kiss to the crown of my head.

"I know ya do, Alan," I said with a small smile.

It also felt good that the police quickly found and arrested Tyler. I just don't know how long that he will stay in for. Seeing as last time he got off with a slap of the wrist.

"What are ya thinking about?" Alan asked me as his finger traced the bold scars on my abdomen.

"Just thinking about if Tyler is gonna go to jail for this," I whispered, sighing.

"Holly, don't worry about it," he told me, moving so he was sitting beside me.

He pressed a kiss to my lips. It wasn't like the previous kisses. Yet, it was. This ginger guitarist was mine and I was his.


I woke up to an empty bed and the smell of bacon coming from the kitchen. Cleo was curled up next to me, sleeping peacefully. I ran my hand along her spine a few times before I moved to get out of bed.

I was stopped short when I felt a pain in my nether region. I have to admit, Alan was and is the only person I would be willing to give it up to. And I did just that.

Cleo raised her head and meowed at me. I gave her a smile and scratched her ear, "Mommy is fine, Cleo," I said with a smile before I stood, making my way out and into the bathroom.

I headed for the shower. I would sneak back to our room to change after, so that wouldn't be a problem.

I started the water and got it the right temperature before I stepped in. My mind going back to last night when he found out.


Both me and Alan were naked, our bare bodies pressed against one another. I could feel his hard member pressing against my inner thigh.

"Alan, wait," I said, suddenly. Getting him to look at me with a concerned look.

"What is it, beautiful?" he asked, locking eyes with me.

"I've never..." I started, but cut myself off. I was embarrassed that I hadn't. I just didn't find the right guy until now.

He understood and gave me a smile before he pressed a kiss to my temple.

"Don't worry, beautiful, I'll be gentle as I can," he told me.

I nodded as I felt him align himself with my entrance. The pressure wasn't so bad at first. But, as he continued, I felt a strong pinching sensation. It wasn't unbearable, but it wasn't pleasant to say the least.

I felt him stop, letting me adjust to his size. Which was huge to say the least.

I tangled my long, thin fingers in his long ginger hair. I pressed my lips to his, moving my hips to tell him to move.

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