Chapter 8

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A few months had passed. Well, a few as in about seven. The tour had ended about a week ago and I was kinda glad. I got to spend a few days with my family-AKA Jeremy, Jason, Callie, Ivan, Alexis, Zoltan, Chris, and Laura-and then head to LA with Cleo to spend some time with the guys. 


I rolled out of my bed, barely managing to keep from landing on my face. I trudged into the kitchen. How is it that on tour, I'm the one waking them up and when we're home, they're the ones waking me?

"What's for breakfast?" I asked as I sat at the kitchen table.

"Well, Callie is coming over with some of her famous pancakes," Jeremy told me, laughing as he set a cup of coffee in front of me. 

I picked it up and sniffed it. It had the Irish Creme creamer, Hersey Chocolate creamer, and some sugar. Just the way I love it.

"You spoil me, Jer," I said, giving him a sleepy smile before I took a drink of it. 

"I try," he said as he took a seat next to me, quoting what I tell him when he says I'm spoiling Bella and Bean.

Speaking of, where are those two and Cleo?

"They didn't want to get out of bed," Jeremy said, laughing. "And Cleo is on the couch, napping."

I nodded as I heard the front door of the apartment open.

"Food's here!" Callie shouted as she closed the door behind her. 

I laughed as she walked into the kitchen with two plates in her hands. She handed one to me and one to Jeremy. I gave my cousin my best puppy face so he would get my butter and maple syrup so I didn't have to get up. Which always works on him. He rolled his eyes and stood, grabbing said food from the fridge. 

He set them on the table as both he and Callie took a seat at the table.

"Thank you, Jeremy," I said, laughing as I fixed my pancakes the way I like them.

"No problem, Baby Girl," he told me, rolling his eyes as he started to stuff his mouth.

"Anyways, tell me about this Alan character," Callie told me, grinning as she looked to me.

I rolled my eyes at my brunette friend. She was something. I had ate about half of my food, thinking of how to answer her. 

"Well, Alan is the rhythm guitarist of the last band that Jeremy had me working as the drum tech for," I explained with a grin. "Those pictures of me and a ginger on Twitter, the ginger is Alan."

"He's handsome," She told me with a smirk. "You going out to see him in LA?"

"Well, I'm going to be hanging out with the rest of Of Mice & Men as well," I told her with a smile. "Cleo is going with me, too."

"Is she now?" Callie asked with a grin. 

I nodded before Jeremy spoke up, "Callie, doesn't Jason want you to go with him to the guitar shop?" he asked her.

Callie groaned, "And here I thought I was gonna get out of that by bringing you breakfast," she said, laughing as she stood. "I'll see you later."

She gave the both of us a quick hug before she left the apartment. 

"What was that about, Jeremy?" I asked, confused. "She was just talking."

"Jason really does want her to go with him," He said in his defense. "But, seriously. Are you packed and ready to go?"

I nodded.

"Good," He told me. "You might wanna head out after you finish your food. Be there before sundown."

"It's a four hour drive, Jer," I complained, laughing as I continued eating. 

"Holly, it's two in the afternoon," he responded. "Plus, who knows if there's traffic."

I nodded. He had a point. As soon as I finished my food, I put it in the sink and hurried to get my stuff in the car. I had two full suitcases and a bag of shoes. I just knew that if Val knew I didn't have enough outfits with me, she would hunt me down and torture me. 

Matt had already taken the liberty of telling her I would be only forty five minutes away from them. God. So, if she gets any bright ideas, I can always try to get Alan or one of the guys to help me out. Heh. Worth a shot. 

I also had some treats and Cleo's cat food. Jeremy was already trying to get Cleo into her carrier. Which I'm sure isn't turning out too well. Seeing as she hates the thing. 

After I had all of my bags and Cleo's bags in my car, I walked back up to be met by Jeremy with Cleo in her pet carrier. 

I rolled my eyes as he walked out with her to my car, putting her in the backseat. He closed the door and turned to me, pulling me into his arms.

"I'm gonna miss not having to wake ya up when we're not on tour," he told me, chuckling. 

"Don't worry, Jer," I said as I pulled away from him. "I won't be that long."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead, "Be safe, Baby Girl," he told me before I got in my car.

I rolled down my window, "I will, Jer," I told him before I started my car and pulled out of the driveway.

This was gonna be a long drive. When I stopped at a red light, I reached back and opened the door of Cleo's carrier. Sometimes on long drives, she'll act just like a dog. Stick her head out the window. Others, she'll just fall asleep in her carrier.

But, this time she climbed up and curled around my neck. I grinned as I scratched her ear. I got some of the weirdest looks from people around me. But, I didn't care.

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