Chapter 3

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I sighed as I climbed out of my bunk. Not surprisingly, I was the first one awake. I always was up before Jeremy or the others. So, I ended up making some coffee. Which brought Austin out quickly.

"Damn, you're so much like Ivan that it isn't funny," I told him, laughing as I leaned against the counter.

"The vocalist for Death Punch?" he asked me sleepily.

I chuckled and nodded as my phone buzzed. Letting me know I had a text. I pulled my phone from my bra and looked at it, laughing after I read it.

"Here ya go," I said as I set a cup of coffee in front of him and sat across from him with my own cup.

"Thanks," he said before taking a sip of the steaming drink. "So, tell me about yourself."

"What do ya wanna know?" I asked him, shrugging.

"For starters, why you're a drum tech instead of the drummer for a band," he told me, chuckling a little.

"Well, I have always preferred to be the one behind the sounds at live events," I explained. "Nothing much to it, really. I've always loved doing that. Plus, I love being around my cousin. Oh, next time you talk to him, call him Pepe."

"Uh, why?" he asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"I call him that sometimes because he has a streak of blonde down the middle of his hair," I explained, laughing. He nodded before I continued.

"But, hey, I'm gonna go wake everyone else," I told him. "I don't think you wanna eat fast-food this morning."

He nodded as I stood. I quickly made my way into the bunk area and slipped open the curtains of their bunks.

"Wakey, Wakey eggs and bakey," I sang in an annoying voice. "Sun's up, coffee's brewed, and food's in the works. Up and at it unless ya wanna miss."

The guys all groaned at me as they all trudged out. Well, except for Alan. I rolled my eyes. Worse than Jason in the mornings.

"Alan, get up," I said, shaking my head. "Time for sleep later."

He still groaned at me, so, I walked out of the bunk area and grabbed an ice cold bottle of water before I headed back. I opened it and poured some over his back. Making him jump and land on the floor.

"What the hell was that for?" he asked me as he stood, shivering from the ice cold water.

"You wouldn't get up and I don't want you to miss out on breakfast," I told him, laughing as I pushed him into the front of the bus.

"Holly, did you have to wake us?" Tino asked me, nursing a cup of coffee.

I laughed and nodded as I went about cooking. It was a simple omelet for each, but, it was always a hit when I was the drum tech for other bands. Anyways, I quickly made theirs before I made mine. Which had ham, cheese, mushrooms, peppers, and whatever I could find that I liked on them.

"What all is on that?" Phil asked me as I sat between him and Alan on the sofa.

"What does it look like?" I asked before I took a bite. "Oh, since we are in Huntington, I wanna head over to a friend of mine's. She has been bound determined to drag me shopping."

"Be back before-" Austin started, but I cut him off.

"I have to help set up," I said, rolling my eyes. "I know. I've been a drum tech for eight years now."

He nodded as I continued eating. Valery and Michelle would go crazy today. Knowing them, they would drag me all over the mall and no matter how much I protest, I'll have ten new outfits. At least. And I would be in need of another suitcase.

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