She Wolf

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After a two-hour flight from Mystic Falls Virginia to California. I had finally made my way back to the town I called home Beacon Hills. I climbed out of the cab as the driver got my luggage out. "where do you want these love" said the short grey-haired cab driver as he struggled to get the five Louis Vuitton cases out of the car.

"just leave them on the sidewalk, thanks" I smiled handing him the cab fare.

As I stood on the sidewalk facing my childhood home, I took in my surrounding, it all looked the same. Nothing had changed, still Cliche white picket fence, a porch swing and the bright red door. I took in a deep breath grabbed my bags and walked into the house. Once inside, I ran up the stairs to my old room, it was as I left it when we moved to England. On the dresser was a picture of my friend Laura and Me. She was a few years older than me but she was always there when I needed her. We grew apart over the years but always tried to write or call each other. Tears began to flow from my eyes as the realisation as to why I had returned after eight years sunk in.

(Two night ago) The streets cold and clear as winter approached in the small town of Mystic Falls. The sole of my trainers hitting the ice-cold pavement on my routine morning run. Beyoncé blaring through my headphones, when suddenly it stopped. I stopped and looked down to see Laura's id calling. I answered immediately knowing that it was something important. "Laura what's wrong, please tell me you're ok?" I huffed through the phone.

"Amy, I can't talk for long I'm being hunted. I need you to promise me that you will look after Derek my brother, with me gone he is going to need someone to guide him and protect him from the new Alpha that is going to take my place, I haven't worked out who it is yet but I know it won't be long before they kill me. I have left you a few clues to help. I'm sorry we never got to meet up again, I love you." Laura cried

Before I could reply "I love you too "the phone line had died, tears sliding down my now red cheeks.

As I lay the picture down by my bedside table, I jerked my shoes off and went to sleep. Tomorrow I would start to find the clue Laura had left for me. In middle of the night, a howl echoed through the woods, I suddenly awoke knowing that the Killer Alpha was out to attack his next victim. Quickly changing into black jeans and a hoodie, I ran down the stairs to the brand-new black Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 that was delivered before I had arrived.

 Quickly changing into black jeans and a hoodie, I ran down the stairs to the brand-new black Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 that was delivered before I had arrived

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Driving down the streets following the howl, I came to a halt when I saw six police cruisers stopped ahead.

A deputy signalled for me to pull over to the side, I did as I was told and took the keys out of the ignition. As the window went down the deputy spoke "sorry young lady this road has been closed for the night due to an animal attack, I suggest you go home. A young girl like you shouldn't be out here this time of night"

"I'm sorry I've just travelled from Virginia I guess I'm still jet lagged, it's my first day back at school tomorrow and I've forgot the last essentials" I smiled. The Deputy politely told the me that the was a 24-hour mini mart a few blocks away.

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