A New Day

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The next morning I got ready for school, dreading seeing Scott. I drove to school planning a whole speech in my head, but by the time I got there it had vanished. I went to the sports office, hoping to avoid contact with anyone. I walked around the corner of the gym and saw a mousey brown haired boy with a black eye, flinching in pain as he lifted his bag on his shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Amy. I believe you're in my economics class." I said with a smile.

"Um, Isaac I'm Isaac "he whispered. Still in shock someone had spoken to him. He sat alone in Economics a few desks away from my desk.

"Hi Isaac, I noticed you sit alone in class, is everything ok. If you ever want to talk or ask something I'm here to help. I don't bite, I promise" I made Isaac laugh.

"Thank you." Isaac said with a smile.

We walked into class together talking. Scott and Stiles walked in looking at me with my new friend Isaac.

I spent Economics talking to Isaac, we both had a lot in common. We liked the same TV shows, music and we even shared a mutual love for pizza. After class we walked to our separate ways.

"so, I will see you at lunch" I said to Isaac. Still with a shocked and confused look on his face he questioned me.

"me, you want to sit with me at lunch"

I looked confused but smiled "yeah of course, friends sit together at lunch right. We are friends aren't we. I mean if you don't want me to then I get it. Just tell me to go away." I said.

"no, I'm mean yeah were friends, you're actually the first person to even speak to me, it's just weird that someone wants to sit with me, but thank you" he smiled.

"really, well I guess its everyone else's lose and my gain. Here is my number, so you can text me whenever you need bestie" I handed him a piece of paper that read. To my new friend, here's my number 594867 .

After the next period I met up with Isaac

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After the next period I met up with Isaac. We spent lunch talking, we were truly becoming best friends. Scott and Stiles had been busy all day and been making myself unavailable, which  made it harder for them to talk to me.

As I walked through the hall towards the office ready to go cheer practice. Isaac had already left for work, he said he couldn't be late. I gave him a tight hug. I really enjoyed spending time with Isaac, he was like a little brother to me, which made me very protective of him.

Stiles ran towards me and grabbed hold of my arm, pulling him into a bear hug.

"Stop ignoring us, it's killing me. Scott tell her your sorry" Stiles pleaded as Scott stood next to him.

"Honestly Scott you don't have to, I understand I've just been feeling terrible and wanted to stay away from you both, so I can't ruin anything else" I said with tears forming in my eyes.

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