Unwelcome Reactions

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After my morning classes and cheer practice, I walked into the cafeteria I saw Alison and Lydia at the groups regular table.

“Omg who is he, what’s his name and what was he like” Lydia excitedly questioned with a huge grin on her face. 

I looked at her and Alison with a blank expression. “that’s the janitor, I think his name in John, and I’ve never really asked” I replied sarcastically.

Lydia hit the back of my head with the empty tray “no, I don’t care about the janitor” I interrupted “hey I bet John is a really bundle of fun” I commented annoying Lydia further.

Alison giggled while listening to the two.

“Derek Hale, that’s who, the local psycho murderer, she is seeing him” Scott spat out in angry

The blood was pumping fast around my body, I could feel the transformation, my breathing heavy, my claws extending, I wanted to hit Scott into next week.

How dare he comment on who I is seeing, he is dating the daughter of the hunters who are trying to kill us all. Derek was no murderer, he wouldn’t kill his own sister, and that was proved by the fact he isn’t the Alpha.

With my heart pounding in my chest, I couldn’t hear Stiles trying to calm me down. I stood up, slowly breathing, through gritted teeth I mumbled so only Scott could hear “if you dare speak to me like that again, you will have more than the Alpha to be worried about McCall” I only called him that when I was angry.

I stormed out of the cafeteria and decided to walk home, I couldn’t bear to look at Scott or Stiles. I just wanted to be alone, I just wished that I had a normal life, instead of this messed up supernatural hell I live.

I found myself walking towards my family’s lake house, I walked through the door, into the quiet living room, it was cozy and relaxing.

I started the log fire for warmth, I checked the log cabinet that was full, thank god, I don’t have to cut down a tree.

My parents had kept it, just encase we ever wanted to visit. If I’m going to stay here, I need to get some food in. I started up the computer in the down stairs study, and clicked on the online supermarket.

Once I had added all the essentials to the basket it, I checked out. It came to $73 dollars, delivery was expected within the next few hours.

I messaged Derek, to let him know I wasn't home and not worry. I just needed space away for a bit. I turned my phone off.

As I waited I went upstairs, my room hadn’t changed much, the deep purple walls covered in my drawings, pictures on the shelves of all my loved one: my Mum, Dad, Stiles, Laura and Derek.

Behind a photo of me and Stiles, was a photo collage of me and Derek. I grabbed it walking towards my bed.

We were in our early teens, smiling, and in the middle photo Derek kissed my check. As I went to place the frame by my bedside, a stray photo slipped from behind the frame.

I picked it up off the floor, it was a photo of me and Derek kissing, like lip to lip kissing.

There was a note on the back “Our first kiss x” a smile made its way on my face, but then sadness started to form in its place, I could feel my temperature rising, and my heart pounding.

I needed to find some way to keep the transformation at bay.

I looked at my bag, I reached in for my gym gear, changing into the sports bra and tight black joggers, I went down stairs, filling my flask with water.

I placed a note on the door, for the groceries to be left on the porch cabinet.

I walked down the basement stairs, into the gym my dad designed especially for us to train. I synced my phone to the speakers, playing my workout playlist.

The next three hours were filled with extreme workout: boxing, lifting, cardio, blocking and to cool down tai chi.

I made my way back into the house and got in the groceries from the porch

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I made my way back into the house and got in the groceries from the porch.

After sorting all the food away and making a quick meal to help re-energize after the workout, I made my way upstairs to the shower and went to bed.

About 2.am in the morning I was awoken by a loud howl. I quickly jumped up and ran towards the abandon warehouses.

I caught Derek’s scent and a scent I hadn’t smelt for many years. I ran towards the scent to find an SUV and a well -equipped Kate Argent.

I hid behind one of the building, trying to trace the same what Kate was looking for.

The sound of a gun shot rang through the air.

Before I had chance to find where it had come from, Scott snuck up behind me and grabbed my shoulder

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Before I had chance to find where it had come from, Scott snuck up behind me and grabbed my shoulder. “We need to go now” Scott whispered, as more hunters arrived.

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