One Bite At A Time

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I looked at Derek, before gesturing for him to take a seat.

"um, so something happened while I was away, something that has changed me. I'm not the same girl you know. I uh, I'm different" I said taking a deep breath.

Derek sat in silence, letting me explain everything that happened detail by detail.

"I attacked someone, I couldn't control it, I almost killed him, the only thing that stopped me was someone snapping my neck" I said, which made Derek's eyes widen.

"wait, how many times have you been killed since you left, and how do you keep coming back from the dead?" Derek asked confused.

"its strange I know, but you get used to it. I've only died twice. It's part of the 'gift' I can't die, I will never get old, I will never...."I cried" I will never be able to have kids" I swallowed back the tears, I sat down next to Derek taking his hands in mine. I nibbled my lip, looking down at our hands, tears falling down my face, I looked at Derek and smiled "I want you to have a wife who you can grow old with, who you can have kids with..."

Derek interrupted me"don't you say that, don't you ever think that, please just don't say that" he cried. I put my finger on his lips

"shh, I love you Derek, with every fibre in my body but please just let me say this, if you chose not to, then I will at least know its because you wanted to, not because you think you have to stay with me. So please baby, just think about it" I cried.

"why do you think this would make me love you any less, I love you, you being a hybrid doesn't change anything. Why can't you see that were meant to be together" Derek said holding my face in his hands.

I started to freak out, jumping from my seat I screamed " Look at me, I'm a monster, how could anyone possibly love a monster"

I started to freak out, jumping from my seat I screamed " Look at me, I'm a monster, how could anyone possibly love a monster"

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Derek stood up and grabbed my arms holding me still. He crashed his lips to mine. It was deep, I fell into the kiss. My arms around his neck. I craved this kiss, I craved him.

We pulled away breathing heavily. Our foreheads rested together.

"you were having a panic attack" Derek said holding my hands.

"how did you know that would stop it?" I asked curiously.

"I read once that holding your breath could stop a panic attack. So I kissed you and you held your breath" Derek said smiling.

"thank you" I whispered pulling him into a hug "thank you for everything" I stayed clingy to his body. I felt safe, wanted and I never wanted to leave. And for the first time in 2 months I haven't wanted to drain the body of someone so close. Maybe we can get through this.

Derek hugged me as tight as he could "I'm never going to leave you ok, I promise" he said kissing my forehead " I love you Amy Malani"

I lefted my head from his chest and looked into his eyes. "I love you too Derek Hale" I said kissing him.

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