Beg for help

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Scott called Stiles and I after he finished work. Sheriff Stilinski had come into the animal clinic to ask Scott's boss Deaton a few questions. They had found a wolf hair on Laura Hale's body. Deaton had said that even though it is thought that wolfs have not been in California in nearly sixty years, that they were highly migratory, lead into other states by impulse or a strong enough memory. 

This was true, I had returned to my home town, after leaving eight years ago. I remembered the scent, of the woods I had spent most of my childhood playing in. I felt safe in the woods, I knew the surroundings well enough to out run any potential threats.

Scott had asked us to meet him at the burnt down Hale house after he had dropped off dinner for his mom at the hospital. I offered to drive, but Stiles doesn't like being a passenger, he says it gives him anxiety. I held up my car keys in front of Stiles.

"do you want to drive" he looked at me shocked, then grabbed the keys from my hand.

"are you serious right now?" Stiles asked as I nodded in reply. He jumped up and down, screaming like a little girl. "Omg this is amazing" We drove towards the Hale house just over the speed limit.

"Stiles if I get a speeding ticket you're paying" I said as we were hitting nearly seventy-five miles per hour down the town roads.

When we arrived, I jumped out of the car and onto the floor "safe ground, I made it" I laughed while throwing leaves into the air. Stiles looked unamused and let out a sarcastic laugh "oh very funny, now get up" he said as he pushed me to the floor again, his face changed within seconds and joined in laughing as I dragged him to the floor.

"DEREK, DEREK" Scott shouted at the burnt house. Stiles and I ran to his side. A shadow appeared from the burnt door way. When the figure came into focus, Derek's blue eyes shined bright. I hadn't seen him since the day in the cells. My eyes flickered to the floor concentrating on a small flower.

As much as I found Derek attractive I wouldn't admit it, not again. 

I looked up from the floor determined not to let him know that I still had feelings for him. My eyes betrayed me and ran over every inch of his body all the way up to his face. His stubble was perfect, I never really liked the unshaved look much, but Derek pulled it off well. My eyes continued to scan over his tight white t-shirt hugging his muscles. He looked irresistible, but I tried to push the thought to the back of my mind. But again I was betrayed by my face flashing a bright pink.

I looked towards Derek's face to see a huge smirk resting on his lips, I rolled my eyes at him and looked away, when I  heard him let out a soft growl which made me smirk.

During our exchanges Scott was asking Derek why he had a dream about killing Allison which turned out to be partly right except it was the school bus driver. He told Scott that he needs to go back to the scene and use all his senses. Half way through my phone began it ring (ringtone: B***h I don't give a f***about you or anything that you do, don't give a f*** about you or anything that you do)

Scott, Stiles and Derek turned to face me. I shrugged and answered the phone. It was Lydia having a meltdown over her handbag she couldn't find to match her outfit for the next day.

"Lydia calm down, I will help you find your Dolce handbag, why don't you just use your Michael Korrs bag instead. Ok, ok I will be there as soon as I can" I shouted over Lydia's sobs.

"if I can't find it my outfit Is ruined, I won't leave this house looking like some homeless person on the streets". She sniffed.

"I will be there in fifteen minutes" I said ending the call.

I turned to Scott and Stiles. "I need to go, so if you want a lift back we need to go, Lydia is having a fashion breakdown" I sighed.

I glanced at Derek, he looked like he wanted to say something but instead he turned and walked back into the old Hale house.

We got in the car without a second glance at the green-eyed hunk. I dropped Scott off then Stiles and rushed to Lydia's.

I drove up the dark drive way to the Martin household. I stopped the car and took a deep breath before heading to the front door. Before I could knock on the door, it swung open and I was being dragged through the house by the strawberry blonde. We spent hours searching for Lydia's Dolce bag, once it was found Lydia insisted I could choose an outfit from her wardrobe that I could keep.

I had tried on four different outfits picked out by Lydia, "you know Lydia you honestly don't need to do this, I have clothes " I said peering into the bedroom.

"This is the one, try it on" Lydia smiled handing me a dark purple summer dress, that would look nice with my black leather jacket and black ankle boots. 

Instead of changing back into my clothes from earlier I kept the dress Lydia gave me

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Instead of changing back into my clothes from earlier I kept the dress Lydia gave me. I got home, searching the cupboards for food. I could only find a tin of spaghetti. I sighed, quickly grabbing my leather jacket and boots, and got back into my car. "Chinese here I come" I said as I turned the engine on that the gas was low " great I guess I'll have to go to the gas station first" 




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