Big Mouth

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I drove to the station pulling up on the court. I popped the gas cap and began to fill the car up. I was thinking about what food should I ordered. " hmm noodles, definitely noodles, rice, yeah egg fried rice, balls" before I could finish someone coughed causing making me look over my shoulder. Damn it was green eyes. I gave him a slight smile. " chicken balls, that’s what I meant" my face glowing a pink shade. Derek raised his eye brow and smiled.

"Well good night " I said closing the cap, I bent over into the car, to grab my purse.

Forgetting I was wearing a dress, it had revealed the back of my upper thighs. This was confirmed when Derek’s heart rate increased.

I quickly lifted my head to get out when I hit my head on the roof "shit" I said rubbing the spot. "Sorry I’m just gonna go pay and go" she said sheepishly.

I started to walk when suddenly I felt a hand wrap around my wrist dragging into the back of Derek’s car.

He looked at me with his sour face " just stay quiet and get down” I obeyed his order. Which made me question what had just happened? Why didn’t I fight back?

I heard a car pull up behind and could see the full beam lights from the front. The light disappeared, car doors slammed shut then footsteps getting closer.

I could feel Derek’s anger growing. "Derek control your anger, listen to my heartbeat. Breathe with me" said whispered for only him to hear.

Derek felt himself calming down as soon as she spoke. He listened carefully to her heart and found himself mimicking her breathing. Each time imagining her in front of him.

A man spoke and cleaned the front window.  He turned to leave when Derek smirked "you didn’t check the oil" I sighed "big mouth".

Suddenly the passengers window was smashed, glass flying every. I felt a hot scratch on my cheek, I flinched a bit, blood started to run down my face.

The sound of cars disappearing made me sigh in relief, Derek opened the, pulling me out by my leather jacket.

“hey, what is your problem today, I can get out of the ‘OUCH’ the car myself” I ranted while Derek gently pulled a piece of glass out of my cheek.  “thanks” I said wiping my face.

I turned on my feet and walked to my car.

“where are you going” Derek shouted across the court.

I turned my head “Chinese, you’re paying”. 

Without arguing he nodded. We got into our cars, I followed Derek closely as he dropped his car into a 24hr garage.

After signing some paperwork, Derek got into my passenger seat.

He shifted uneasily when I revved the engine. “is someone a little scared” I chuckled.

Driving down the streets, I decided to have little fun, I put my foot down, Derek looked at me while holding onto the handle. I turned and smirked at him “come on Derek, this is fun. Trust me I’m a good driver.”

Putting my foot down, the speed reaching 70mph from 0mph. I looked over to Derek who seemed to be relaxing. “So green eyes, what do you think of my driving, I’m like Vin Diesel, minus the bald, old man part.”

He raised his eyebrow, my eyes fixated on his.

“would you watch the road” Derek shouted.

(time for my Paul Walker trick)
I didn’t turn to face the road, she kept watching him, fear was written all over his face. I did a handbrake turn and stopping outside the Chinese restaurant. “were here, all that driving has made me hungry” I said stepping out of the car.

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