The First Encounter

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After practice Stiles, Scott and I went to the woods to find the other half of the body and Scott's inhaler.

"I don't - I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I - I can - hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things." Scott explained.

"Like what, what can you smell" Stiles questioned.

"Like the mint- mojito gum in your pocket."

Taking in a deep breath I could smell it; damn Scott's sense of smell was good.

"so, this all started with a bite" I said with concern on my face, I could be on stage with an act like this.

"Yeah, I think I actually know what this is Lycanthropy" Stiles said in a serious tone.

"What's that? Is it bad?" Scott cried in concern.

"Oh yeah it's the worst, but its only once a month" Sarcasm was written across Stiles face.

If only he knew the truth. Yes, it happened once every month, but it could happen at any time your heart rate rises. Rolling my eyes, I decided to play along.

"Once a month?"

"On a full moon" both Stiles and myself let out little howls

"Guys, this is serious there could be something seriously wrong with me" Scott said pushing us out of his way.

"Well, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's because of the full moon Friday." Stiles chuckled

I walked backwards in front of them. "Guys, as fun as it is to watch you to squabble, I think we should just find Scott's...." I said backing into someone. I quickly turned around to come face to chest with the stranger in front of me. Slowly looking up my eyes met a pair, of somewhat familiar green eyes glaring down at me "Hey, watch where you're going, I was walking here. These woods not big enough for you" I said. I'm not intimidated by the dark haired, green eyed mysterious stranger.

"what are you doing here? huh? this is private property." He said pushing me to one side, walking towards the boys.

"Uh, sorry, man. We didn't know" Stiles stuttered.

I walked in front of the Stranger "Where is your proof buddy, don't think because I'm a girl and I'm with these two, doesn't mean I won't kick your ass." The green eyed stranger scoffed. "did I say something funny green eyes, I'm serious I could totally...." Before I could finish Stiles dragged me away and placed his hand over my mouth.

Green eyes throw something towards Scott then turned and walked off, giving me one last glance.

"Really, do you know who that was, Derek Hale. You remember right? He is only a few years older than us. And you totally just grilled him." Stiles explained to us.

"Wait that was Derek Hale, damn he got hot" I whispered the last part.

"Remember what?" Scott questioned

"His family. They burned to death in a fire, like ten years ago"

"Six years ago,"

Stiles and Scott looked at me. "Ok, Six years ago. How do you know?"

"His and my family were close friends, I grew up with the Hale kids, we also went to school with Derek and his older sister Laura, but obviously they were a little older than us" a tear escaping my green eyes as I remembered the night, I found out that my best friend Cora and the rest of the Hale family had all passed in the house fire.

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