Unexpected Outcome

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As I stood on the bonnet, Derek jumped off and started to walk away “um, green eyes, do you mind giving me a hand” I gestured to my dress. Derek walked over placing his hands on my waist, I put my hands on his shoulders to balance. He slowly lowered me to the ground, our eyes meeting and our breathing getting heavy. His hands gripped tighter on my waist, bringing us closer. 

Suddenly I felt stabbing feeling in my stomach, I looked down to see a pool of blood on my dress, I looked up to Derek who looked like he had seen a ghost. My head was pounding I could hear so many voices getting closer.

Derek put me into the passenger seat and drove as fast as he could to get away from the hunters, I could feel myself slipping in and out of conscious, Derek’s heart rate was fast, his grip on the wheel so tight his knuckles were turning white.

I moved my hand to touch his leg, as he looked at me I gave a small smile. “I’m ok Derek, I’m going to be fine. I just need to get this bullet out” I said as I rammed my clawed hand into my stomach, searching for the bullet, Derek’s eyes wide with worry as I cried out in pain “where almost at the surgery” I got hold of the bullet and pulled it out “I… I’ve got …. It “I stuttered falling unconscious.

I could hear Derek, shouting my name “AMY, AMY PLEASE WAKE UP” the car came to a stop, Derek carried me into the surgery bridal style. I was placed on the metal table. Scott's boss wasn't there. Derek was pacing up on down beside me, I could his fear, fear of losing someone.

He stroked my hair, “please wake up, I can’t lose you, I think I’m in love with you. Please wake up, say something sarcastic. Come on, who’s gonna annoy me like you” he said as he turned around. My eyes slowly opened, I grabbed his arm, he turned around, his eyes filling up with tears.

“Hey Green eyes, you can’t get rid of me that easy” I smirked. he smiled and crashed his lips against mine, my hands finding their way to his neck, playing with his hair, pulling him closer, his hands on my waist, the kiss was intoxicating.

"It just took a little longer to heal, its out and I feel fine now" I smiled.

I jumped down from the table and pulled my dress back down. Derek waited by the door, as we got outside I felt a shiver down my spine, Derek must had noticed as he placed his jacket over my shoulders.

We got in the car and drove towards my house, we pulled up on the drive and got out. Derek walked me to the door holding my body close to his. “do you want to come in for a hot drink" he was about to turn it down “Please, I could really do with some company right now, you can stay in the spare room” I pleaded. 

He smiled “You get cleaned up and changed I will make us some drinks” I walked upstairs into the bathroom in my room. I threw the bloodied dress into the laundry basket, I hope I can save the dress somehow.

I stepped into the shower. The hot water washed away the dried blood. I got out and put on an oversized hoodie and a pair of shorts.

I walked down stairs to see Derek sat in the front room with his shoes off and drink in his hand, watching baseball on tv “Thank you for this Derek, it means a lot to me” I smiled as I sat beside him bringing my knees to my chest.

I hugged my hot tea to warm up, I could feel heat coming from Derek’s body, I casually moved closer until our bodies touched, he didn’t flinch, in fact he relaxed more.

After ten minutes of watching baseball, I decided that it was time to change the channel, I finished my drink placing it on the table in front of me. I leaned back trying not to draw any attention to my next action.

I slowly leaned across Derek and snatched the controller as fast as I could be hugging it tight to my chest, Derek pounced towards me trying to win the controller back “give me the controller, or I will” he warned as he was staring down at me, I smirked “or what Hale, what are you going to do?” suddenly he pressed all his body weight on me.

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