Be Careful Who You Trust

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After I had persuaded Stiles to drop me home, I took a long hot bath, letting the water massage my muscles and clean my deep wounds. The claw marks on my body were taking longer to heal, thanks to Peter being an Alpha.

Its stupid really, I've never understood why.

I got out of the bath an hour later, wrapping a towel around my body. I was hungry so headed downstairs. My phone was on the kitchen counter.

No new messages
No missed calls

Great, nothing from Derek. I hope he is ok. I tried to call him but no response, I sent him a text 'let me know your ok, love you xx'

I put my phone down and began searching the kitchen cupboards, freezer and fridge for food. But nothing caught my eye or stomachs attention. I guess that means one thing. Takeaway it is.

Since moving back to Beacon Hills I have become very good friends with the local Chinese takeaway owner. We are even on a first name basis.

The phone rang, and was picked up on the second ring "Hi Li, its Amy, how are you?"

"Amy, so good to hear from you. You want same order?" Li asked in his upbeat tone.

"uh yeah but could you make it double and take Derek's order off" I asked, I was hungry.

"oh no Derek, where is he? Li asked, he knew Derek and I better than we know ourselves. We became friends when we bonded over our love of cars.

I told him Derek was away on a business trip. Li is such a happy little man, he has so much love to give.

Li said my order will be delivered in 25mins, they always delivered it on time, I've never had a bad thing to say about it. I decided to go upstairs and change into a paie of lose fitting joggers and a baggy hoodie.

My chinese arrived, Li have doubled my order and added an extra pot of noodles for free. I definitely made a good decision becoming friends with the owner. Or a really bad one. I cant decide right now.

After eatting my weight in chinese and watching chick flicks, I checked my phone again.  


I know Derek is a grown man, but would it hurt to send a text to his girlfriend who is worried sick.

I texted him over 30 times

'where are you?'
'ring me'
'babe, please let me know your ok'

I called his phone for the hundredth time, my patience had worn thin.

'Derek Hale, you best have a good excuse for not telling your girlfriend if your dead or alive. I've been worried sick'

I exhaled

'please babe just let me know your ok, I love you'

I hung up and went to bed, I was exhausted and needed sleep before School tomorrow.

The next morning I got out of bed, I managed to get a few hours. I changed into my cheer uniform.

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