Cruel To Be Kind

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"Ah... I don't get it. Look, did something happen?" Isaac asked looking at the Derek and myself.

I was heart broken that we had to do this, but it was the only way to keep him safe. I looked away I couldn't face him. I hated hurting him, he was like a little brother to me.

"It's just not gonna work with both of you here. I've got Cora now. It's too much. I need you out tonight" Derek said trying to show no emotion.

Isaac scoffed "Where am I supposed to go?"

"Somewhere else" Derek said crossing his arms.

"Did I do something wrong, Derek?" Isaac said panicking. The sound of thunder rumbled through the loft.

"You're doing something wrong right now by not leaving" Derek said growing impatient.

"Oh, come on" Isaac pleaded.

"Just get out" Derek shouted. Which made my head jolt up in shock. I glared at him, he promised he would do this the nicest way possible.

"Derek, please... Amy" Isaac pleaded, I looked at him with tears in my eyes, and shock my head. Isaac looked lost.

"Get out" Derek shouted using his alpha command

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"Get out" Derek shouted using his alpha command.

Isaac went to protest again. Derek had lost his patience and throw a glass at Isaac, it hit the wall next to him and a shard of glasses scratched his cheek. I could smell the blood, pouring from the wound. Isaac looked at Derek in horror. I did the same, how could he.

"Go!" Derek shouted.

"Isaac, wait" I said running after Isaac as he left the loft

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"Isaac, wait" I said running after Isaac as he left the loft. Derek went to grab my arm, but I pulled away. "no, I can't speak to you right now" I said with anger.

I chased after Isaac. Tears in his eyes, blood stained on his face.

"Isaac" I shouted. And he stopped.

I walked towards him and grabbed his face in my hands gently. Wiping away the blood. I looked into his eyes and I could see the pain.

"why... Why did he do that?" Isaac mumbled.

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