Him & I

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We got to my house, the street silent. All the nieghbourhood were tucked up in bed.

I got out of the car and walked to the door, Derek following closely behind me with our fingers intertwined. I unlocked the door and went to walk in, but was stopped by a force pulling me backwards. I ended up planting my hands on Derek's chest. Damn his chest is so toned.

I looked into his eyes, his staring back at mine. His head slowly leaning in, his lips brushing against mine, I tried to push myself up, but he pushed me back down.

"you never had any patience, did you?" he smirked returning to his previous position. His lips brushing over mine, I stayed still this time. His left hand on the small of my back, his right hand stroked my left cheek and the cupped my chin, lifting my neck up.

Then his lips caressed mine, my hands moved up and down his chest. The kiss was perfect, I never wanted it to stop. But we needed to breathe. I bit my lip and smiled under my lashes. Damn he made my blush.

"stay, please stay tonight" I begged, Derek raised his eyebrow "and before you get any ideas, I just dont want to be alone. And I want to spend time with you" I blushed, grabbing his hand.

"ok, Princess" he said kissing my head.

I frowned "really 'princess' , you know I don't like being called that"

"and you think I like being called green eyes. I only tolerate it because its you and I love you. So stop pouting princess" he winked.

"I hate you" I stropped. Pouting and crossing my arms over my chest.

"no, you love me" Derek said pushing back a loose strand of hair from my face.

"I hate" I began to say, his face dropped "you didn't let me finish green eyes, I hate how much I love it when you call me princess" I moved close to him and lifted myself to his ear "I love you"

He kissed me. Damn I love this man.

I pulled away, a smile across my face

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I pulled away, a smile across my face. This was perfect, if this was to be the rest of my life, I have no complaints.

We were both hungry, so we made dinner. Who would have thought we would be cooking together, it felt like we were a normal couple.

After eatting we went to bed, we talked for ages, like the old times. I must have fallen into a deep sleep, because when I woke up in the morning Derek was gone.

I got up showered and walked down stairs to the kitchen. On the fridge door was a note.

'Morning princess, Scott called last night about the Alpha, I didn't want to wake you. Love you, green eyes x'

I rolled my eyes. I decided to go see Stiles. If anyone had information it was him. But first I need food, then I need to get changed.

After eatting, I changed into a pair of ripped jeans, a grey Calvin Klein t-shirt and white trainers. My brunette hair down straight, light makeup.

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