The Other Half

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As I put my things in the Economics class, Scott had gone to speak to Allison. Scott's heart rate was rising, I focused in my hearing.
"Where did you get that?" Scott said looking down to the leather jacket in her hands. He had seen it in the woods the night of the party.

"My jacket? It was in my locker. I think Lydia brought it back from the party. She has my combination" she smiled.

"Did she say she brought it back or did somebody give her the jacket?" Scott questioned.

"Like who?" Allison looked confused, not sure why Scott was acting strange.

"Like Derek." At the mention of his name, I froze.

"Your friend?"

"He's not my friend. How much did you talk to him when he drove you home?" he continued to press for answers.

"Mm, not much at all." Allison looked more confused as she shifted uncomfortably.

"What did you say?" Scott shouted

"I - gotta get to class." Allison said walking away.
Scott stormed out of school. I knew he needed to let some steam of, so I left him. I went to art class, I got on really well with arts teacher and was allowed to go in the art room when i had free periods. I sat next to Isaac. His eye was still black. He turned his back to her, trying to ignore me.

"Hey, Isaac" I smiled

He turned to look at her, his lip was split. She could tell that he didn't want to talk about it.

"I can't talk to you, my dad said I can't be involved with you. I need to concentrate on school work. He saw your number in my phone and said not to speak to you" he said sadden.

"Isaac, if he is doing this to you. You need to tell someone. I hate seeing you like this, I want to help you" I said as I placed my hand on his.

He smiled and tightened his grip on my hand. "thank you, it means a lot that someone cares about me. But I'm all he has, it's for the best"

I looked defeated. "But at school, you can speak to me whenever ok. I will always be here for you Isaac. And when you are able to talk to me I will be here waiting" I smiled and hugged him.

After school I couldn't find Stiles or Scott anywhere. So I walked home, after a few hours of them not replying to her calls and texts. I decided to go find them. I had caught their scents heading towards the old Hale house. Creeping up on them I heard Scott say.

"What if he catches us?"

"I have a plan for that." Stiles dug the shovel into the ground.

"Which is?" Scott questioned

"You run one way. I run the other. Whoever he catches first, too bad."

"I hate that plan."

Sneaking up on them "what are you doing?" I shouted making them both jump. Once they had calmed down they continued to dig the ground below them.

"Oh, stop, stop, stop." Stiles had jumped into the hole when they hit something hard. Jumping of the Jeep hood I was sat on I moved towards the boys.

"Hurry" Scott pleaded.

"I'm trying. Did he have to tie the thing in, like, 900 knots?" wondering why Derek had tied something up and buried it.

"I'll do it" Scott was growing impatient.

"What the hell is that?" Stiles said in shock

"It's a wolf." my voice full of sadness.

"Yeah, I can see that. I thought you said you smelled blood, as in human blood." He turned to Scott.

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