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(Based off 1

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(Based off 1.10

The White Violin)

The family arrived at the Icuras Theater

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The family arrived at the Icuras Theater. Usually, Kali would jump with Five, so her legs were burning from the running. They finally stopped at the last staircase before the theatre's main room entrance.

Before they could walk in, Allison grabbed Luther stopping him, "Wha--?" He began before seeing Allison's notebook,

'I NEED TO GO ALONE,' She wrote in block letters. Diego, who had pushed past, slowly walked back to the group, wanting to know what the commotion was about,

"Allison, I can't let you do that, all right?" Luther argued back, "She's beyond reason,"

"You hear the music?" Diego argued back as Allison hit Lutehrs chest, something she seemed to be doing a lot more often, "It's started,"

Luther stepped closer, looking into Allison's eyes, "Do you honestly think she's gonna listen? After everything that's happened?"

Klaus looked around before turning back to the lovers' quarrel, "We don't have time for this,"

Luther thought for a second before nodding stiffly, "Okay,"

Allison looked between them before rasing into the concert. They watched her leave before Kali spoke up, "You're using her as a distraction, aren't you?"

Luther closed his eyes, his heart beating faster than any heart should, "Our best chance to incapacitate Vanya. She'll thank us later,"

The four of them began to walk to the door Allison had just disappeared through, "So, what's the plan?"

"Uh, you two wait out front," Luther said turning around to point at Kali and Klaus, both their jaws hanging open, "You can be the lookout,"

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