thirteen | hogsmeade and waitresses

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Percy woke to Draco shaking him.

"Get up," Draco groaned. He walked back to his own bed, where he flopped back down and almost fell back asleep before a wad of socks smacked him in the side of the head. Draco groaned again.

Ethan poked his head around the corner from the bathroom. "Up and at 'em, Malfoy."

Percy smiled and pushed himself up on his elbows.

Ethan Nakamura had welcomed Percy into the dorm on the first day. After seeing Zoe earlier that day and eating dinner with her and her friends, and catching a glimpse of Beckendorf and Silena on a staircase, finding Ethan in his dorm room didn't surprise Percy one bit.

He also hadn't changed much. Percy had spent days after the first war, listening to stories about Ethan and Luke and Silena, their siblings reciting stupid and amazing things they'd done. The Hermes cabin had spoken of Ethan, before he'd disappeared, and Percy saw this boy right in front of him, living up to everything Cabin 11 had said.

Percy smiled. "Those are my socks."

Ethan scrunched up his nose. "Of course they are. Who else would own bright neon orange socks with CHB on them?"

You. Percy chuckled. "Oh, ha ha."

"What does it mean, anyway?" Ethan asked. 

Percy shrugged. "They were comfy socks," he lied.

Draco threw the socks at Percy. "Maybe don't leave them in the bathroom so Ethan doesn't have any early morning ammo?"

Blaine's curtains shot back. "Why are you guys up?" He had a jelly bean stuck to his head.

No one mentioned it.

"It's Saturday!" Draco smiled.

"Exactly," Percy pointed out.

Ethan walked out of the bathroom with normal clothes on, a bright purple t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Percy couldn't help smiling at that. He looked a lot like his Roman counterparts at Camp Jupiter. "Guys." Ethan rolled his eyes. "Hogsmeade is today."

Percy and Blaise perked up and threw their blankets off.

"I call bathroom!" Blaise shot by Percy.

He laughed and turned to his trunk. He pulled out a dark blue, long-sleeved compression t-shirt that read GHS Swim Team and a pair of jeans. It was getting colder, and there were supposed to be clouds all day.

But he also didn't like how everyone stared at his forearm. Harry had said it was because of something called a 'dark mark' that marked you as Voldemort's ally, but Percy couldn't help but keep the tattoo covered anyway. The random scars that ran along his skin also got stares, but he wasn't as worried about them. According to Harry, scars made you famous here. Percy knew that he had to have something in common with the Gryffindor to keep him talking. Hiding his scars would be too hard, anyway. There were just too many.

He pulled his shirt off and slipped on the long-sleeve. It stuck to his skin. It was Annabeth's favorite shirt- when he was wearing it. Sometimes she put it on and it hung on her, but Percy thought it was adorable.

"Whoa, dude." Ethan frowned. "You mentioned already being in a war, but...what in the world..."

"Not all of those are from the war, are they?" Draco sat on Ethan's bed, which was next to Percy's.

Percy scrunched up his eyebrows and gave them a small smile. He pulled the shirt tighter around him. "Two wars already, guys. Stuff sticks."

Blaise emerged from the bathroom. "Not like that, you know, curse scars don't leave that kind of-"

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