twenty-nine | bad omens and speedy horses

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Harry ran for Annabeth. When he reached her, he and Jason dragged her away from the woods. Something was in there, something huge, something that had Percy.

Jason, Frank, Piper, and Leo all turned to Annabeth and Harry.

"Stay here," Frank said, suddenly taking charge. "Calypso, go get the others."

Calypso didn't even try to argue with Frank. She took off toward the school. When she reached the front doors, she slowed down as to not raise an alarm.

Frank turned to Harry. "Look, Potter, we're counting on you." He had a bow strapped across his back and a quiver at his side. In his hand was a spear. No wand in sight. "Keep Annabeth here."

Annabeth was sitting against the closest tree with tears streaming down her face.

"Where's Percy?" Harry asked.

Everyone's faces were grim. Jason spoke up. "We're going to have to leave now to catch it."

"It?" Harry asked. They ignored him.

"He may be okay. He may not be dead," Hazel said. It sounded more like she was trying to convince herself. "I didn't feel anything," she said, "and Nico would have come if he did." 

Frank rubbed her shoulders. Harry was even more confused now.

Piper swallowed. "Where was he hit?" She asked. No one answered. She repeated the question.

Jason shook his head. "It's not good, Pipes."

"Hit with what?" Harry demanded. They all glanced up at him.

"We're so sorry we dragged you into this, Harry," Hazel said.

Harry didn't get the chance to respond. Calypso and the others were racing across the grass.

"Let's go!" Frank wrangled all of them into a group. He, Nico, and Reyna led the charge. They took off for the trees without a second glance. Hazel had her sword, Jason had a spear, Frank seemed to be morphing into something, and Leo was still on fire. Before Harry knew it he was standing with Calypso and Annabeth sat behind them, against a tree.

"Wait!" He yelled, but they were already gone. Calypso stood next to him with a grave expression. "What just happened?" He asked.

"Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, and I were all out here messing with some things for Hagrid and Sprout. Something went wrong," Cal said. "It'll be okay. They'll be fine."

"Hazel had a sword. Leo was on fire," Harry pointed to the woods. "They didn't sound okay. What was that?"

"A hydra," Annabeth spoke up from the tree she leaned on. "It was a hydra." She stood shakily.

Calypso grabbed her. "Annabeth, sit down."

"No!" She stumbled away from the brown haired girl. "He's in trouble. I've got to go!"

"You're hurt," Harry realized.

Annabeth fell. Both Cal and Harry ran forward to catch her. A long tear ran across the bottom of her robes. Blood was trickling onto the ground. "It's just a scratch."

"No," Calypso said, "You'll need stitches when Will gets back. It'll scar. Bad. And you need ambrosia and nectar, now."

"So I guess we'll need to go find Will for the ambrosia, then?" Annabeth asked hopefully.

Cal shook her head. "I have some in my pack."

"In your common room," Annabeth said.

Harry spoke up. "I should go help them. What's a hydra?"

Annabeth and Calypso both turned to him with deadpanned faces. "No."


"You're not going after them. You're not trained," Annabeth said with finality.

"Excuse me," Harry said, "but I'm better with a wand than any of them."

"You can't use a wand against a hydra, Potter." Cal took all of Annabeth's weight. Harry stepped in front of them.

"What's a hydra?" He asked again. He suddenly wished Hermione were here. She'd tell him.

Both girls ignored him. Something was coming out of the trees, something big.

A horse shot through the covering faster than Harry could see, Hazel and Leo on its back. It skidded to a stop next to them.

"It's dead." Hazel got off the horse. Leo fell off and wandered around holding his head before Calypso grabbed him. 

Annabeth leaned on the horse. "Percy?" She asked the other two.

Hazel shook her head. "It doesn't look good, Annabeth."

Annabeth choked back a sob. "He'll be fine though, right? Will's the best we've got!"

Leo frowned, and turned to Harry, still holding his head. Harry figured it was because he'd been on fire for a while. "I think it's time you head back to the school. Alert Pomfrey that we'll be coming in later."

Harry shook his head. "No. Percy's my friend. And so are you all. I can help."

Hazel set a hand on his shoulder. "You can help, Harry, but not now. Give it some time. Right now all you can do is go and get us some help."

"What's going on?" He asked. First, the winds. Then the water stuff with Percy. Now a hydra? Harry didn't even know what that was. Then there was that stuff with Jason and Hazel and quidditch. Harry frowned.

"You'll know soon," Annabeth promised, "just please, go get Madam Pomfrey."

Harry swallowed. "Alright."

As he ran away from the kids standing there, another scream echoed through the woods. Percy. Harry looked back. Everyone standing in the clearing sprinted for the woods, they even let Annabeth lead the pack. Harry faltered. Should he follow them? Should he continue on his way? Harry turned back to the school. They needed Pomfrey, not Harry. As much as he wanted to help his friends, he knew he couldn't.

Not yet, anyway.


SUPER SUPER short but I promised you all a chapter today and I did not fail! Almost totally forgot. But I didn't!

Don't forget to vote! Comment anything you'd like to see in the story and I'll look into it! Thanks for reading! 

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