fifty-two | guy talk and old gossip

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"I'm so sorry." Ethan looked at his feet again. 

Percy shoved his shoulder. "What's done is done man, we can't change that." 

"I feel awful. I did then, too," Ethan whispered. "I don't know why I didn't just leave..." 

They were alone, albeit Draco, in their dormitory. Percy wasn't sure where Blaise was, but he figured it was wherever Reyna was. Those two had grown inseparable, but anyone who hadn't heard from Blaise that he was crushing on her would never know. Percy doubted Reyna talked about her feelings much, but she smiled more nowadays. Anything that made his friends happy, Percy was willing to turn the other cheek. 

Draco sighed. "You felt trapped. I can relate." 

No one spoke for a few minutes after that. Draco had voiced his worries to them the night before, up in the Astronomy tower. He would have to go back to his family, back to Voldemort, eventually. It was only a matter of time. Percy had felt his chest, his throat closing in; he wasn't ready to say goodbye to any of them, not when he just got them back. 

"We should get out and do something," Ethan suggested. "Find Blaise and raise hell like we used to." 

No one moved. Ethan looked down again, like he hadn't expected them to. Finally, the silence was enough for Percy. 

"You guys can go find Blaise, do your thing," he said, "I'm going to find Annabeth." The boys smiled at him. As he passed Draco, he shoved him back onto the bed he'd just stood from. They laughed as Draco bounced. "Go have some fun. You deserve it." 

As he walked out into the familiar common room, he took a deep breath. Piper sat in the corner, playing a game of cards with Emily, another girl in their year, as Zoe watched closely. Percy slipped out before they noticed him, tucking under the doorway as it slid away. 


Annabeth stood at the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, book in hand, head buried in it as she waited on him. She was mouthing the words, eyebrows creased as she leaned against the wall for support. Percy chuckled to himself, hands shoved in his pockets. He leaned his shoulder on the wall, too, watching her for a few moments. His smile grew. "Whatcha reading?" 

Annabeth yelped, book flying, and turned on him. "Perseus! Don't do that!" He chuckled, walked closer to her and pulled her toward him by pressing the small of her back. Annabeth giggled. "You scared me," she whispered as Percy lowered his head to rest against her forehead. 

"I don't think I've ever snuck up on you that easily," he countered, "I wasn't even trying." Her breath fanned his face. Percy kissed her softly, pressing her closer. They hadn't had time to themselves since he got back, and even then, Piper, Hazel, and Silena had been watching from a distance. Percy was going to get all the time he could before some other catastrophe presented itself.  

She smiled against his lips and pushed him back lightly. "Easy there, Seaweed Brain. Let me put this up." She gestured to the book, and pecked his cheek. "I'll be right back." 

She ducked into the common room, and Percy smiled. All the demigods knew the entrances and passwords to the others house's common rooms. The only people they kept them from were Ethan, Silena, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco. The topic just hadn't come up, and Percy doubted they needed to know anyway. 

When Annabeth emerged from the doorway again, Percy took her hand. "Come on, let's go." They began the trek to the doors, hoping to get outside and into the sun. Despite how cold it would be, Percy couldn't wait to feel the wind. He'd missed it. 

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