thirty-five | books and angry girlfriends

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Go gather books from the library, Annabeth said, it'll be easy, she said.

It was not easy.

Jason and Piper had been in the library for hours, much to Madam Pince's dismay, and had grabbed a total of three stacks of books on demigods. For not knowing anything about them, the wizards sure had a lot of documentation on demigods.

All the time in the silent library gave Jason time to think. He didn't think that was healthy right now.

He'd never realized just how much the team, all the demigods, overlooked him. Jason liked the be the guy in the middle of everything, the guy everyone looked to. Once he met Percy, that wasn't his position anymore. Percy Jackson was braver, stronger, better, than Jason ever was. He knew that now. The Greeks had gone through so much more than the Romans during the Titan war. It made them stronger as a family. The Romans were an army...Jason had never felt at home in an army.

Piper popped up from behind a bookshelf and shocked him out of his thoughts. She must have caught the deep thought written all over his face, though.

"What's up?" She asked, popping the 'p'. She had two books in her hands.

Jason faked a smile at her. "Nothing. Where have you been?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't give me that. Worried about Percy and Harry?"

Jason shrugged, knowing he can't keep emotions from his girlfriend. "Yeah."

She narrowed her eyes even more. Jason was surprised she could even see out of them. "Nope. That's not it." She tilted her head. "Spill."

Jason looked at her, exasperated, and took the books from her hands. "We'll talk about this later."

She groaned and grabbed his hand. "No, we will talk about this now." She turned him back to face her, her fingers resting on his chin. "I know you. You'll avoid the conversation. So, let's sit." She pulled him down onto the ground between the two bookshelves. "And let's talk."

Jason chuckled and leaned closer to her. "I miss you." He nuzzled his nose against hers.

Piper giggled. "As much as I wish that was what was bothering so much, I know that's not it."

Jason smiled, their faces still close, and kissed her softly in an attempt to distract her. She brought him closer by grabbing his neck. When they released each other, she fluttered her eyes open.

"It's going to take more than that to distract me, Grace," she mumbled.

Jason chuckled. "Oh, come on," he teased. Piper just looked at him. Jason frowned. "Alright," he gave in. "I just feel unwanted, is all. You know...we should be doing something more important."

Piper's face softened, and her shoulders sagged. "Oh, Jason..." She brought him closer, wrapping him in a hug. He laughed sarcastically as she buried his face into her shoulder. She patted his back. "There, there."

"Pipes..." Jason mumbled into her shoulder.

"No, no, Jason, listen to me." She leaned back on the shelf and he looked up at her. "You are amazing, you know that, right?"

He chuckled against her shoulder. "You may be the only one here that thinks so," he said. "What if I had disappeared?" He turned away from her. "Would you all be looking so hard?"

Piper pursed her lips. "I would be," she said with finality, "and so would Leo. And Hazel, Frank, Nico, and Will. I'm sure Reyna wouldn't stop." She took a deep breath. "Annabeth wouldn't stop. And if Percy were here, he wouldn't either. I know you feel overlooked, but don't."

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