sixty-seven | field trips and reunions

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They saw Annabeth first, out the kitchen window of the Burrow. 

The Weasleys, Hermione, Blaise, Draco, Dean, Seamus, Neville, Luna, McGonagall, Sprout, Remus, and Hagrid were all gathered in the house. It was cramped, but Hermione found all the people comforting. Ginny couldn't strangle Harry with witnesses. 

"Annabeth!" Draco jumped from his seat and grabbed Ginny's shoulder. "I see her!" 

Annabeth had popped into existence right out of the side of a tree, and as soon as she hit the ground, she scrambled away. Hermione didn't understand why she was in such a rush, until Jason tumbled out as well. They seemed to be blooming from the shadow, right into the Weasley garden. No one seemed to mind.

Will came next, right as Annabeth pulled Jason out of the way. Then Leo, Frank, and Hazel all on top of each other. Piper and Calypso fell out together, and then Reyna and Percy while screeching. Micheal, Ethan, Beckendorf, Zoe, and Bianca fell from the branches. Silena and Rachel popped out, and then finally Nico and Harry Potter. 

"Harry," came Ginny's wispy voice. 

"Our boy!" Mrs. Weasley shouted, covering her mouth.

"Wotcher, Harry!" Remus joined her. 

The grip on Hermione's waist- Ron- released as Hermione heard the door swing open. The twins, Ron, Blaise, Seamus, and Dean were out the door before Hermione had even registered which direction she was heading. 

They ran around the side of the house, all trying to reach the demigods first. Hermione barely realized she was crying until Ginny, who was running next to her, grabbed her hand and they halted. 

Ginny's took a deep breath, eyes boring at Harry. He was hugging Ron, who'd tackled the Boy Who Lived. Hermione couldn't decide if Ginny looked grateful or hateful. 

Draco was on Ethan in a second. The former dorm buddies laughed. McGonagall walked calmly by Hermione and Ginny to see Frank, Rachel, Bianca, and Jason- her previous Gryffindors. Sprout had Silena, Hazel, and Will by the ears and was chiding them. The Hufflepuffs didn't seem to mind. 

Blaise had already reached Reyna. The daughter of Bellona stood in front of him, hands clasped, eyes downcast. Blaise picked up her chin and smiled down at her, muttering something Hermione couldn't make out. Reyna laughed and jumped into his embrace. 

Other small reunions commenced, but Hermione had returned her focus to the dark haired, glasses-wearing, runaway boyfriend of the girl holding her hand. 

Harry and Ron finally released each other. Percy set a hand on Harry's shoulder from behind. Harry finally turned completely to Ginny, looking right past Hermione. Ron and Percy took slow steps back. 

Hermione shouldn't have heard Harry's whisper from where she stood, but somehow she did; "Gin." 

They ran at each other. Harry lifted Ginny into a spin as they laughed to each other. Annabeth slung an arm over Hermione's shoulders. "Cute, aren't they?" 

Hermione giggled to her friend. "You could say that." 


Molly, Calypso, Silena, and Rachel cooked dinner. It was amazing, but with so many people at the Burrow, they ate in the garden. 

Nico and Will sat under the same tree, in the shadows, and ate. Ethan and Bianca sat with them, laughing at something Will had just said. Zoe, Blaise, Reyna, Michael, Draco, and the other Gryffindor boys sat at one of the tables and chatted, plates clean. The professors and Remus sat with Arthur and Molly inside, they didn't care much for the garden bugs. 

Luna, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny sat with Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Calypso, and Rachel on the hillside. The grass was soft, something Hermione had missed about Ron's home. 

Speaking of Ron, his arm was draped across Hermione's shoulders as he watched his best friend play with the water in his cup. Harry was forming tiny figures- a canoe, something that looked like a goat, a centaur. He didn't seem to think anyone was watching. Ginny was picking flowers absentmindedly and watching the sunset. Everyone was laying out in the sun, smiling and enjoying their friends. 

"Hey, guys?" Harry asked suddenly. From his spot on the ground, Percy's face broke into a smile without opening his eyes. His arms were braced behind his head and Annabeth was using his stomach as a pillow as she to grinned at Harry's voice. 

Ginny hummed. Ron and Hermione watched his face instead of the water. 

"What do you say about a field trip?"

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