sixty | dark wizards and Mrs. O'Leary

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Voldemort appeared over the fog streaming through the woods. Harry stilled, and next to him, Ginny seemed to choke on her breath. Ron and Hermione were off somewhere else, trying to settle people down, but he was sure they weren't the only two that saw the dark wizard. 

He was different now, wearing a white robe like the ones in Annabeth's history books. A tunic, Harry remembered. 

He maneuvered so Ginny was behind him. She huffed, moving him out of the way. "We stand together on this," she whispered in his ear. Harry was grateful for her bravery, but was also regretting ever putting her in this position. 

Then he remembered the Weasley family was hidden in those woods, in the small makeshift house. He wondered if Voldemort had already found them. He prayed, the way Percy did, that he hadn't. 

Speaking of Percy, where were the demigods? They promised that they had everything under control. This didn't seem under control. He wondered if they even really knew what was happening. 

The voices that had been echoing through the group of wizards stopped. Hermione, Ron, and Draco pushed their way out of the crowd a few feet away. They locked eyes with Harry, then focused back on the killer before them. 

They'd just sent Blaise inside to alert the demigods of the rising winds. Harry remembered Percy mentioning that wind was never good, so he'd decided to take matters into his own hands. Just in time, too. Hopefully the demigods would come outside and see what was happening. 

Voldemort smirked, looking across the gathered targets. Harry growled, realizing this is what he wanted. He wanted them separated from the only people that could save them, and he got it. 

"Well, isn't this a surprise." His voice carried, even though the wind should have drowned it out. "I didn't think I'd be seeing you again." 

A figure appeared next to him, and Harry had to fight to hide his grimace. Kelli stood proudly, on her two mismatched feet. Ginny grabbed Harry's hand. "Is that...?" 

"Yeah," he said. 

Neville, Dean, Seamus, Michael, and other Gryffindors shouldered their way forward. To Harry's right, Bianca, Zoe, and Beckendorf appeared. Michael broke apart from his dorm mates and stood with his friends. Harry could tell they still didn't know anything, but they were ready to fight to the end. Harry wondered if any of them could call on whatever powers they used to have. That would be useful. 

"Ah, the deceased." Voldemort nodded in their direction. When they just looked confused, he laughed. "Oh, they still haven't told you? Potter, I thought better of you." 

Harry didn't respond. He didn't even look at his friends as they turned to stare. It wasn't his idea to keep it from them, but he also didn't want them to know. Guilt clouded his eyes. He wouldn't give the dark wizard the satisfaction, though. 

Kelli beamed. "Told you he was strong," she cackled. "Just like his brother." 

Percy, Harry thought, where is he

"Ah." Voldemort nodded. "His brother. I've heard great things about his brother."

Harry stilled. Who'd been feeding Voldemort this information? He shouldn't even know about the demigods, about mythology, but there he was, standing next to an empousa, and Percy Jackson was no where to be found. 

Suddenly Blaise was standing next to him again. The set of the boy's jaw told Harry there was a surprise coming, Blaise seemed ready to jump. Surely there was a plan, a way to throw off Voldemort's plan. 

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