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Hey everyone!
So, yeah, I know the story's over and all... but here's some cutouts and fun things the gang did or saw while at Hogwarts, because something had to happen in between all those chapters! Most of these are completely my imagination, but some are little tidbits I found on Pinterest! Enjoy!


Frank stumbled into the school. He'd had nightly patrol with Percy, and the two had gotten sidetracked at the lake. Frank didn't think he'd ever been this tired, not even after their trips to Alaska or to Greece and Rome. Both boys were tromping through the castle until Percy broke off to head to the Slytherin common room, and Frank continued on to the Gryffindor tower.

As he stepped onto the first staircase, the ground shifted. Everything moved. Frank couldn't decide if it was his tired body or if the stairs were actually...moving? 

When he realized the portraits on the walls and the ground below him was turning, he sighed and braced his head against the stairs railing, eyes closed as he almost drifted to sleep. "The stairs move," he muttered, "of fucking course they move." 


"Ginny, I'm sure you know what you're doing," Hermione said over the top of a book. 

Ginny pulled on her hair. She had her first Hogsmeade meeting with Harry later that day, and had no idea what she was going to do. She had no idea how to curl hair, apply make-up, or style her clothes. Of course, Hermione wouldn't know either. "No, Hermione, nope, nope, nope. I have no idea what I'm doing." 

Piper giggled. "I believe I can help."

"You can?" Ginny regarded her carefully. 

Piper laughed and pulled her backpack into her lap. Ginny didn't understand why she even carried it- there were almost no books in it. She did, in fact, carry a dagger, one journal, a pouch of something that looked like Jell-O, and another pouch. Piper grabbed the second pouch and set it on the table. 

When she unzipped it, Ginny realized it was full of make-up. "You don't strike me as the carry-around-a-makeup-bag type..."

"Occupational hazard," Piper said with a smile. 

Ginny stared at her. "What?" 


Nico glared at Will's back. It was four days after their intended 'break' had started, and Nico wanted nothing more than to either punch the son of Apollo or kiss him. 

Will didn't know Nico was there- Jason had sent him to get Will from Hagrid's garden. Will came here to think- and no matter what Will said, he had gotten his father's love of music. While he messed with carrots and onions, he sung under his breath:

"They don't know how long it takes,
Waiting for a love like this.
Every time we say goodbye,
I wish we had one more kiss.
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will.

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend,
Lucky to have been where I have been,
Lucky to be coming home again.

Lucky we're in love in every way,
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed,
Lucky to be coming home someday.

Will's voice was deep and earthy. It shook Nico's core. 

"Hey, Solace," he called over the fence. 

Will jumped and whipped around, eyes wide. "Oh, um, hey. Hi-"

"Jason needs you," Nico said, looking anywhere but Will. "He's in the hall." 

"Oh. Alright, thanks." Will bagged his vegetables. 

Nico left without another word. 

(Song: Lucky by Jason Mraz)

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