fifty-four | reveals and loses

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It wouldn't be long now. 

Dumbledore had agreed to the proposition with little debate from the two girls. Now they all sat with the hastily gathered students, well past curfew. 

They had dispersed, moving to sit with their wizard friends rather than with their demigod family. Calypso thought it would make them seem more like their family, more like their own people. Reyna agreed for the most part, but she hated how much they made it sound like they would be betraying the wizards. Hazel assured her they didn't mean it this way, but there was always that sinking feeling. 

If it came between their two worlds, the gods and the wizards, they all knew who they would choose. And they would choose them every time, without hesitation. 

Reyna didn't know where Harry would fall on this. Percy would probably drag the other son of Poseidon after them, from his whole world. Reyna shook her head every time she thought of this; ripping another person from the people they love. She hoped to leave that to the gods. 

Blaise gripped her hand. Reyna squeezed back. 

He didn't know what the sudden meeting was about, and Reyna didn't try to soothe his nerves. She kept her head down, looking at their conjoined hands. 

You won't find love in a demigod, Aphrodite had said. Not in anyone you search for it in

Reyna hadn't thought about the goddess of love in a long time. Now, every time she looked at Blaise, she was reminded of those words. He wasn't a demigod, he wasn't even that powerful, and yet he was the one she sat by these days. The one she leaned on. 

What would happen to them when Reyna stalked up the stairs to stand by Dumbledore in a few minutes? Would he hate her for not telling him? They'd been secretly dating for three weeks now, just now telling the other Slytherins at dinner that night. She'd already fallen deeper into the abyss than she wanted. 

But, as a daughter of Bellona, she could draw strength and other emotions from the ones around her, and lend them hers. And every time she latched onto Blaise, all she felt was love. It was unnatural to her, too sudden. But it was his, and she loved him for it. 

"What's up?" Blaise whispered in her ear, careful not to let the people around them catch wind of her uneasiness. He knew she hated it when people saw her weak. 

She straightened. "Nothing." She smiled at him. "Nothing at all." 

He dropped her hand and wrapped his arm around her waist. "It's not nothing." 

"I'm fine," she whispered back. 

"Do you know what's happening?" He asked, gesturing to the others in the room. Everyone was almost falling asleep at the tables, despite the curiosity in the air. "Maybe Voldemort struck again," Blaise muttered under his breath. 

Reyna wondered if he knew how close he was to the truth. Draco looked at her from across the table. He would be going up there with them later, holding his head high. He was scared, Reyna knew that much, for the same reasons Reyna was. Would Blaise turn away from them? 

Reyna didn't answer Blaise, and neither did Draco. They didn't want to lie to him. Further down the bench, Percy shifted. He turned to look at them, Ethan and Beckendorf by his side. The son of Hephaestus still didn't know anything, so he looked around with worry, searching for Silena. 

She would be sitting next to Bianca with Nico, damage control if she suddenly remembered. That's what Percy and Ethan were, too. And multiple others throughout the room. Annabeth and Frank sat with Zoe, Jason and Leo with Michael. 

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